University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

I should like to commend the
John Bassett Moore Society for
International Law and the Student
Legal Forum for sponsoring the
appearance of Ambassador William
Averell Harriman at Cabell Hall on
December 4. It was a serious
attempt to bring an experienced
and knowledgeable voice on
Russian Affairs to the University. 1,
for one, looked forward to a
first-hand report on our relations
with Russia.

Unfortunately, Mr. Harriman
had other ideas. After a short talk
on the background of
Russo-American relations from the
pre-Second World War period, he
began an unceasing attack on
President Nixon and his
administration on everything from
the economy to his gradual
withdrawal of troops from Viet
Nam. Harriman capped it off with
the remark, "If Humphrey had
been elected President we would
have already been out of the war."
He wrapped up the speech with
several more partisan remarks.

Instead of being enlightened on
Soviet American relations, I found
myself listening to a political
harangue. It is disappointing that a
man of Mr. Harriman's stature
would stoop so low.

Ted Lopatkiewicz
College 1