University of Virginia Library

Most Helpful

Mr. Sullivan, the Director of
Alumni Activities was most helpful
in explaining the position of the
Alumni Association on this matter.
He said that while the parent organization
firmly supported the nondiscriminatory
policies of the University
and encouraged its member
chapters to comply, the nature of
the structure of the Association
itself and the desirability of maintaining
harmonious relations with
all chapters prevented it from doing
much beyond encouragement.

The Alumni Association is made
up of a loose coalition of member
chapters which are essentially
autonomous. The extent of the
support which the parent organization
provides is limited to administrative
matters, including the
arrangement programs featuring
speakers from the University community
and the maintenance of
mailing lists. Mailing costs are borne
by the local chapter except in the
case of a newly formed chapter. As
a result, each chapter is basically
free to establish its own policies,
although an especially flagrant act
or policy might produce a strong
response from the parent organization.