University of Virginia Library

To The Editor

Hypocritical Co-eds

Dear Sir:

In response to your articles concerning
coeducation in the October
26, 1970, issue of the C.D., we
would like to direct our remarks to
the "women" of the University, in
particular those first-year "women."

Come on girls, let's be fair!!!
Let's look back a little to our first
week at U.Va. Granted, you were
nice. You forced an occasional
"hello" and even shared a few beers
with us when the opportunity
arose, But when the upperclassmen
rode in like the Mongol Horde and
dangled their car keys and twenty-one
year-old ID's in front of
your eyes you were "off to the
races" and we were left with the
view of your wiggling posterior - a
parting gesture!

Now that the novelty of coeducation
has worn off and our interest
in you has decreased, you're quick
to complain about those boys who
are really forward when they're
stoned or drunk. You're also upset
with our practice of "rolling down
the road" (a long standing tradition
with we gladly perpetuate and we
suggest you try sometime; Mary B.
is a great place!)

But where does the fault lie?
Instead of blaming us why don't
you take a look at some of your
fellow liberated females who ruined
it for the rest of you? Liberated
means equal to and by no
means-greater than!

Newman J. Paz
Coll 1