University of Virginia Library

The University Forum

As any person who has ever tried to
accomplish more than a simple bureaucratic
chore at the University can tell you
communication between the various groups
on the Grounds leaves a lot to be desired. The
Faculty Senate, when and if it is revived, may
help students, faculty, and administrators
exchange information on a meaningful basis.
But even so the Faculty Senate will be a
formal, structured outlet.

The best way to get things accomplished
around the Grounds has always been to use
informal channels. The Plan of Organization
of the University put out each year by the
Office of Institutional Analysis would have
you believe that there are fairly fixed
channels of communication. This is not
always true.

This afternoon at 4 the University Forum
will hold its first meeting of the year in the
Ballroom of Newcomb Hall. The Forum will
divide into four discussion groups, Academic
Life, University Relations, University
Governance, and Student Life. All segments
of the University community are invited to
participate in this informal exchange of ideas.
Perhaps the greatest benefit to come from the
University Forum will be the opportunity to
meet with a student, faculty member,
administrator, alumnus, or member of the
community on a non-academic basis, an
opportunity we think Mr. Jefferson would
have encouraged.

It could come as a real surprise to discover
that the faculty member you thought hated
students, the administrator you felt was aloof
from the real world, or the student you had
heard was trying to get his fellows to burn the
Rotunda is a human being after all, just as
interested in making this University a better
place to live as you are