University of Virginia Library

Killing Blow

But more than that you may
have dealt a killing blow to a leader
of that wing of the party which was
the only support you still enjoyed.

In other words, John, you did
exactly what Spiro Agnew did the
other day when he called Charlie
Goodell the "Christine Jorgonsen of
the Republican party" and supported
his opponent, Conservative
James Buckley.

I know it sounds awful, John, to
compare you to Agnew. But its the
awful truth.

You and Agnew seem to have no
respect for a party. You both seem
to think you can lop off members
at will. You seem to have forgotten
that a party is pluralistic, broad-based,
and therefore inchoate.

You forget that it depends on
mutual support at nearly all
times-and that when support is not
rendered it is usually not rendered

That is why the party liberals
will do their best to sink Agnew.

And that is why, John, in the
party at least, you are a dead man.

All of which, of course, makes
me and many others very sad.