University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

We are upset about your Friday
editorial on the Student Body
President and Vice-President
elections. You don't mention the
possibility that one of the reasons
why Kevin Mannix doesn't have
any opposition might be that Mr.
Mannix has an excellent record of
fulfilling his campaign promises and
should be a tough candidate to

As College students, we feel that
Kevin Mannix and Tony Sherman
have worked very hard to further
the best interests of the University.
We think they have represented us
well. Look at the record:
curriculum reform, black
recruitment, co-education, the new
Council constitution, and much
more. As College representatives,
they have worked hard for
considerable benefits for
undergraduates, including Lawn
parking privileges, first year cars,
student control of parietal rules, a
First Year Council, etc.

It seems very hypocritical to us
that Mr. Fryer should condemn
members of the University
community for falling to seek an
office which he himself was
fortunate enough to receive a
nomination for yet which he was
unwilling to accept.

Larry Brandes
College 3
Paul Lewis
College 1