University of Virginia Library

More Holes

In his continuing effort to bring more and
better holes to the University, Bucyrus Erie
has started a long ditch in front of Alderman
Library, whose plain facade has really needed
a hole for a long time. Besides, the Library
hole fills the symmetry gap created by the
hole in front of the West Range. All in all, we
feel it is a fitting addition to the architectural
loveliness of the Grounds; although it is
modern in concept, it really fits in quite well
with the more traditional Jeffersonian holes
that have graced the Lawn this spring.

We look forward to the addition of a
drawbridge when the hole is finally filled with
acid and crocodiles and becomes a moat.
Then, even if student radicals come up with a
plan for crossing the hole and avoiding the
crocodiles on their way to seizing the Library
until their demands are met, they can still be
foiled by pulling up the drawbridge and
stationing archers on the roof until the
Governor can send in the National Guard and
end the crisis. At the very least, the new hole
ought to catch a few unwary students making
their way into the Library to study for exams.

As always, we are disappointed in the
Administration for its lack of initiative and
dynamic action on the whole question of
holes. Sure, we've seen the token holes on the
Lawn. There are a couple of really good holes
next to Garret Hall and along the ranges. But
efforts so far have been spotty. Of course, the
Administration has been held back by the
state government, which has yet to realize
that the University needs more holes and that
there is a determined minority which has right
on its side and will not rest until the
University publishes a detailed program of
hole-digging acceptable to them. Progress has
been made, but we still have a lot of digging
to do.