University of Virginia Library

Car Vandalism

Dear Sirs:

Sine I am a transfer student,
my acquaintance with this University
has been short (less than
two semesters). During orientation
in September I was impressed by
the ultimate goal of this University-to
produce a group of
knowledgeable gentlemen.

When I brought my wife to
Charlottesville in February she was
wary about parking her car so close
to the mainstream of student activity
at the corner. I tried to relieve
her of her fears by telling
her that here and only here there
was fostered a spirit of gentlemanliness,
that students would not
willfully destroy someone's property.

Saturday night I was proven absolutely
wrong. While my wife's
car was parked in the VNB parking
lot at the corner someone put
a fist-size hole in its convertible
top. But this was not all! It
appears that due to lack of space
they were forced to dance on the
trunk of the car with their muddy

What did it accomplish? I will
be about $100 poorer once the car
is repaired. It has shattered the
myth of the so-called "Virginia

I am certain that someone must
have witnessed this incident and I
urge any witness to contact me Or
better still, if the vandals themselves
would contact me upon
recognizing their responsibility for
restitution and prove that the Virginia
Gentleman exists.

Edwin L. Brickner II
Engineering 3