The Cavalier daily Thursday, November 16, 1967 | ||
College Topics
On Sex In Vermont
Freshmen girls at a small Middlebury,
Vermont, college were
shuffling through "stacks" of mail
during their orientation week this
year, and all seemed fine until...
There were ads for ski-wear,
membership pleas from various
school organizations, a school
calendar, and a birth control letter.
The letter, unauthorized by the
school, suggested that girls desiring
to get a prescription for birth-control
pills should assume a married
identity and see a doctor in a
neighboring town.
An anonymous writer at the
college sent the letter to all freshman
girls, giving birth-control information,
and prices of certain
Middlebury's medical director,
Dr. William Partom, noted that
the information was generally
sound, but he questioned one section,
in which the writer implied
that any "big-city" doctor could
give miscarriage-inducing interjections.
From nearby Harrisonburg and
Madison College; comes news of
startling import.
Six of seven freshman class officers
elected last week were members
of the non-female sex.
In a victory statement issued the
night of the elections, President
Tom Rose noted his hopes to increase
the number and size of
social activities by inviting men
from the University, Bridgewater,
and VPI.
Well, he's all yours.
The Cavalier daily Thursday, November 16, 1967 | ||