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29. XXIX.

I preeched yisterday frum this text: “Verely
I say unto yoo, it is moar blesseder toe give than
toe reseeve.”—Joab xvii: 313 to '21, incloosiv.

The inspird riter hed, no dout, the Dimekratik
party in his mind's eye, wen he rit them words
uv wisdom. Experence hez shode the trooth uv
them sentens, and ef it hadent, youd be bound to
bleeve it, coz I, your paster, sez so, wich is Dimokrasy.
To illustrait, we shell inquire:

1. Wat is givin?

Givin is givin, wich is suffishently cleer explanashen
fer all practikle perpuses.

2. Wen shood we giv?

This pint reqwires moar eloocydashen. We
must giv alluz, fer it is moar blessider toe giv
ner toe reseeve. The Dimokrasy hez alluz bin
scriptooral in this partikeler. Wen the Sowth
wantid Misoory, we giv it. Wen she wantid a
fugytiv-slaiv law, we giv it. Wen she wantid
Texis, and Kansas, and Nebrasky, we giv it—halleloogy!
Wen she wantid Bookannon, we giv it;


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and wen she demandid Duglisses hed, we giv it,
fer it is moar blessider to giv ner it is to reseeve.

3. Why shood we giv?

Becoz it pays. So long ez the Dimokrasy hed
the power uv givin, all wuz well. The Sowth,
hevin all it wanted, wuz contentid, and evry thing
went on smooth and plesent like. Nacher intended
em to rool, and us uns to serve, and we
wuz satisfide, and so wuz they. Such offisis ez
wuz benethe em, they tost to us, and all wuz
peese. It wuz normel.

4. Wat hez bin the consekencis uv not givin?

My frens, seest thou yon post-orifise? A Abolishnist
sets there. And woe is us! the plasis we
onct did fill all ore the land, we fill no moar.
And wuss. Ther is war; the North hez rebeld
aginst the Dimokrasy, and to-day yoor sons is being
dragged to the tented feeld, to be offered up
a sakrifis to the fell sperit uv “not givin.” O,
my frens, we stumbled ourselvs. We faild to giv
wunst, and that failyour wuz fatle. Wen we in
our pride defide the Sowth at Charleston, we
sinned, and air now payin fer it. O, hed we all
yoonited in givin, then—hed we follered presedent
and got down into the dust—then all wood
hev bin well.

We dedooce from the foregoin the follerin grate


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trooth, to-wit, viz: Suffrin alluz follers sin. Nether
duz the sinner git the price uv his sin. The
demon uv Abolishnism, er Not Givin, wich is
sinonymus, held afore the eyes of Duglis the dazzlin
prospek uv Northrin votes. But lo! wen
Duglis hed took the fatel step, the votes wuz
Linkin's, and the post-orfises wuz Linkin's, and
the Dimokrasy supped on sorrer and brekfasted
on woe.

Ther is, my brethren, a hevy cuss on Not Givin.
“Wo unto yoo fer a stiff-necked and rebelyus people.”
(Abiram 31, 5, xlp.) In the originel Rooshen
it is “stiff-backt” instid uv “stiff-neckt,” wich
makes it mene Massychusetts. They wood never
bend a inch; they hed no limbernis, and with head
up, instid uv down—with backs strate, instid uv
curvd—they insisted on bein men ez well ez Virginny,
thus forcin the Sowth to take up arms to
bend em into ther nateral posishen.

My frens, this war is a effort on the part uv
the Sowth to put down these rebels aginst the
grate prinsiple uv Givin. That 's all they want,
and wen they git it they 'll stop, I make no doubt.
Then, brethrin, let us pray fer their sukcess—let
us imytait our martered saint, Vallandigum, who
is a exel far away, and, 2 the xtent uv our ability,
further the grate coz. Let Noo Ingland be got


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under; Sumner, and Waid, and Giddins, and Gim
Ashly, and Oin Luvgoy hung; the grate Davis
President, with Fernandywood and Vallandigum
in his Cabynit; then will ther be for us peece, and
harmony, and good-will, and post-orfises. Let wat
I hev sed sink deep in2 yoor harts. Wen the
contribooshen box cums around, remember that
“it is moar blesseder 2 give than 2 reseeve.” So
mote it be.

Petroleum V. Nasby.
Paster uv sed Church, in charge.