University of Virginia Library


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Chapter 13. An ACT releasing to the University of Virginia
and the Female Charity School of Fredericksburg, any claim of
the commonwealth to collateral inheritance tax on bequests in the
will of Douglas H. Gordon, deceased. Approved Jan. 18, 1884.

"Whereas, by the will of Douglas H. Gordon, which was admitted
to probate in the circuit court of Rappahannock county
on March twentieth, 1883, a bequest of $5000 was made to the
rector and visitors of the University of Virginia, to be held by them
as a principal fund, the interest therefrom to be devoted to purchasing
books for the University library; and another bequest of
$2500 was made to the trustees of the Fredericksburg Female
Charity School to be invested in some safe fund, the interest therefrom
to be expended in the maintenance and education of the objects
of the school; and it is deemed fitting by the legislature, in
view of the character of these bequests, to release to the respective
legatees whatever claim the commonwealth may have, by way of
collateral inheritance or succession tax on said legacies; therefore,

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the
executives of Douglas H. Gordon, deceased, be and they are hereby
authorized to pay to said legatees respectively, the amount of said
tax on their respective bequests aforesaid, the commonwealth hereby
releasing to them all her claim therefor.

2. This act shall be in force from its passage." Acts 1883-4,
p. 13.

Chapter 429. An ACT to amend and re-enact sections 1, 2 and
3 of Chapter 102 of Acts of Assembly, 1875-6, approved Feb.
26, 1876, in regard to the University of Virginia. Approved
March 15, 1884.

"1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That
sections 1, 2 and 3 of Chapter 102 of the Acts of Assembly of
1875-6, approved Feb. 26, 1876, in regard to the University of
Virginia, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:

`1. There shall be paid, annually, out of the public treasury,
$40,000 for the support of the University of Virginia, which shall
be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
But this amount is on condition that the said institution shall give
instruction to all White students of the state of Virginia over the


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age of sixteen years, who shall be matriculated under rules and
regulations prescribed by the board of visitors, without charge for
tuition in the academic department, consisting of the following
schools, to-wit: The schools of Latin, Greek, Modern languages,
pure mathematics, moral philosophy, natural philosophy, historical
science, agriculture, zoology and botany, natural history and geology,
general and industrial chemistry and English language and literature;
provided that no person shall be admitted as a student free of
charge for tuition fees, under the provisions of this act, unless the
faculty shall be satisfied, by actual examination of the applicant,
or by a certificate from some college or preparatory school that he
has made such proficiency in the branch of study which he proposes
to pursue, as will enable him to avail himself of the advantages afforded
by the University.

"2. Out of said appropriation of $40,000 there shall be first set
apart, annually, the sum of $7220, to pay the interest accruing on
the existing interest bearing debt of the University, (amounting
to $79000) and to constitute a sinking fund for the liquidation
of the principal of the same; and the said sum of $7220 shall be
applied to no other purpose or object whatever.

"3. There is hereby appropriated from the public treasury out
of any money not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $40,000 for
the purpose of putting in complete condition the water supply,
sewerage and drainage of the University grounds and buildings;
any surplus over what is necessary for that purpose to be applied
to general repairs of the buildings.

2. It shall not be lawful hereafter for the rector and board of
visitors of the University to contract any debt whatever on account
of said University without the previously obtained consent of the
general assembly of Virginia.

3. All acts and parts of acts making appropriations for the
University of Virginia heretofore passed, inconsistent with this act,
are hereby repealed.

4. This act shall be in force from its passage. Acts 1883-4,
p. 543.