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Abernethy, Thomas P. Historical Sketch of the University of Virginia.
Richmond: Dietz Press, 1948.

The admission of Women to the College: Report of the President's Special
[The Woody Report], November 1968. University of
Virginia Library.

Alderman, Edwin A. "Woodrow Wilson—Memorial Address," Dec.
15, 1924. 68th Cong., 2d sess. House Doc. no. 500.

Alvey, Edward, Jr. History of Mary Washington College, 1908-1972.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1974.

American Council on Education. Report of Committee on Graduate Instruction.
Washington, D.C., April 1934.

Balz, Albert G. A. "Is Virginia Slipping Scholastically?" University of
Virginia Magazine,
October 1933.

Barr, Stringfellow. "Comments on a Social System." Handbook of the
University of Virginia, 1932-1933,
and several subsequent issues.

Barrett, Clifton Waller. "The Struggle to Create a University." Virginia
Quarterly Review,
Autumn 1973.

Barringer, Anna. "Pleasant It Is to Remember These Things."
Magazine of Albemarle County History, vols. 24 and 27, 1965-66
and 1968-69.

Barringer, Paul B. The Natural Bent. Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press, 1949.

Bice, Raymond C. "Change at the University." University of Virginia
April 1961.

Boskey, Richard. "A Radical Tradition: Student Life at the University
of Virginia, 1934-1935." Ms., University of Virginia Library.

Bowman, Shearer Davis. "The University of Virginia Honor System
since September, 1955: A Critical Study." Senior thesis, Department
of History, University of Virginia, 1971.

—. "Honor and Consensus in the 1960s: The University of Virginia
Honor System." Graduate seminar paper, Department of
History, University of California, Berkeley, 1975.


Page 618

Bruce, Philip Alexander. History of the University of Virginia, 1819-1919.
5 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1922.

Bysshe, Algernon. "In Reply [to Balz, above]." University of Virginia
January 1934.

Carter, John Archer, Jr. "The Age of Anxiety." University of Virginia
October-November 1961.

Cartter, Allan M. An Assessment of Quality in Graduate Education.
American Council on Education. Washington, D.C., 1966.

Catalogues, University of Virginia.

Cavalier, 1929-31 and 1936-37.

Cavalier Daily, 1948-75, inclusive.

—, Mar. 13, 1972, special Honor System issue.

Cantennial of the University of Virginia, 1919-1921—Proceedings of the
Centennial Celebration, May 31 to June 3, 1921.
New York: G. P.
Putnam's Sons, 1922.

Clemons, Harry. Notes on the Professors for Whom the University Halls
and Residence Houses Are Named.
Charlottesville: University of
Virginia Press, 1961.

—. The University of Virginia Library, 1825-1950. University of
Virginia Press, 1954.

College Topics, 1911-48, inclusive.

Corks and Curls, 1888-1975, inclusive.

Culbreth, David M. R., M.D. The University of Virginia: Memories of
Her Student Life and Professors.
New York: Neale Publishing Co.,

Dabney, Richard Heath. "University of Virginia." Frank Leslie's
August 1897.

Dabney, Virginius. "Richard Heath Dabney: A Memoir." Magazine of
Albemarle County History,
vols. 33 and 34, 1975 and 1976.

Darden, Colgate, W., Jr. Conversations with Guy Friddell. Charlottesville:
University Press of Virginia, 1978.

Departmental Reports, University of Virginia, 1919-58, inclusive.
University of Virginia Library.

de Porry, André C., ed. For the Commonwealth: Extension and Continuing
Education of the University of Virginia, 1912-1973.
School of Continuing Education, 1974.

Eddins, Joe. Around the Corner after World War I. Charlottesville: Pub.
by author, 1973.

Fitz-Hugh, G. Slaughter. "Otolaryngology: University of Virginia,
1896-1977." Ms., n.d., University of Virginia Library.

Goode, James M. "A Rowdy Beginning, an Unusual History: The
Jefferson Society from 1825 to 1865." University of Virginia
December 1965.


Page 619

Hereford, T. Graham, and Gianniny, O. Allan, Jr. Short History of
Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Virginia.
University of Virginia Library, 1977.

The Honor System, Philosphy and Guidelines. Charlottesville: University
of Virginia, 1976.

The Inauguration of Colgate Whitehead Darden, Jr., President of the University
of Virginia.
Charlottesville: 1947. University of Virginia

The Inauguration of Edgar Finley Shannon, Jr., as President of the University
of Virginia. Charlottesville: 1960. University of Virginia Library.

The Inauguration of Frank Loucks Hereford, Jr., as President of the University
of Virginia.
Charlottesville: 1975. University of Virginia

Jones, Virgil Carrington. Ranger Mosby. Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press, 1944.

Kay, Bryan. "The History of Desegregation at the University of Virginia:
1950-1969." Senior thesis, Department of History, University
of Virginia, 1979.

Leavell, Byrd S. "Distinguished Virginia Professor: Dr. William Cecil
Dabney." Virginia Medical Monthly, November 1979.

Malone, Dumas. Edwin A. Alderman: A Biography. New York: Doubleday,

Matthews, Sarah S. The University of Virginia Hospital (Its First Fifty
Charlottesville, University of Virginia, n.d.

Moll, Wilhelm. "University of Virginia `Firsts' in the History of Medical
Education." Virginia Medical Monthly, March 1968.

Moore, John. "History of the Jefferson Society." N.p., Privately published,

Moore, John Hammond. Albemarle, Jefferson's County, 1727-1976.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1976.

Moran, Charles E., Jr., "The University of Virginia Press." University
May 1956.

Morton, C. Bruce, II, M.D. History of the Department of Surgery, School
of Medicine, University of Virginia, 1824-1971.
University of Virginia Medical Center. N.d.

O'Neal, William B. The Rotunda. Charlottesville: University of Virginia
Press, 1960.

—, ed. Pictorial History of the University of Virginia. Charlottesville:
University Press of Virginia, 1968.

—. "Account of Charles Smith's Career." Typescript, University
of Virginia Library, n.d.

Patton, John S. "Henry Martin, 1826-1915." University of Virginia
Alumni Bulletin,
October 1915.


Page 620

"President's [Shannon's] Report to the Board, 1949-1950."

"Report of Easters Weekend Commission," J. Harvie Wilkinson III,
chairman, 1975.

"Report of the Athletic Committee of the Academic Faculty of the
University of Virginia, Appointed March 28, 1951 [the Gooch
Report]." University of Virginia Library.

"Report of the President of the University of Virginia to the Board
of Visitors, July 1, 1948-June 30, 1949." University of Virginia
vol. 35, no. 10.

"Report of the President of the University of Virginia to the Board
of Visitors for the Period July 1, 1951, to June 30, 1953." University
of Virginia Record,
vol. 39, no. 10.

Ritchie, John. The First Hundred Years: A Short History of the School of
Law of the University of Virginia for the Period 1826-1926.
University Press of Virginia, 1978.

Roberson, John. "Honor System." Atlantic Monthly, June 1950.

Robertson, Jenkins M. "The Rise and Fall of `Oom Paul.' " Virginia
Tech Magazine,
April-May 1979.

Roose, Kenneth D., and Andersen, Charles J. A Rating of Graduate
Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education,

Russell, John Dale. Report of the Higher Education Study Commission.
Richmond, 1965.

—. Report of the Higher Education Study Commission. Richmond,
1965. Staff Report no. 11.

Shannon, Edgar F., Jr. The President's Report, 1971-1972, with a Review
of the Decade 1960-1970.
University of Virginia Library.

—. The President's Report, 1972-1973. University of Virginia Library.

—. The President's Report, 1973-1974. University of Virginia Library.

Sheppard, C. Stewart. The First Twenty Years: The Darden School at
Charlottesville: Colgate Darden Graduate Business
School Sponsors, 1975.

"The Shooting of Professor Davis," Plume and Sword, May 31, 1963.

Smith, Beverly C., M.D. "The Origin and Early Days of the Medical
Alumni Association of the University of Virginia." Typescript,
Association files.

Snavely, Tipton R. The Department of Economics at the University of Virginia,
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,

Southall, James P. C. In the Days of My Youth: When I Was a Student at
the University of Virginia, 1888-1893.
Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press, 1947.


Page 621

Tarter, Brent. "The Making of a University President: John Lloyd
Newcomb and the University of Virginia, 1931-1933." Virginia
Magazine of History and Biography,
October 1979.

Taylor, Thomas. "History of the Honor System at the University of
Virginia, 1900-1956." Liberal Arts Seminar, Apr. 27, 1963. University
of Virginia Library.

Thornton, William M. "Engineering Instruction at the University of
Virginia." Ms., University of Virginia Library.

University Forum, 1934.

University of Virginia Alumni Bulletin, 1894-1924, inclusive.

University of Virginia Alumni News, 1913-76, inclusive.

University of Virginia Magazine, 1919-26, 1933-35, 1954-69, inclusive.

"University of Virginia Medical Alumni Committee Established."
Bulletin of the University of Virginia Medical School and Hospital,
Fall 1941.

University of Virginia News Letter, 1925-74, inclusive.

Virginia Reel, 1920-29, inclusive.

Virginia Spectator, 1927-29, 1936-57, inclusive.

Warthen, Harry J., Jr., M.D. "Stephen Hurt Watts and the Surgical
Tradition in Charlottesville." Virginia Medical Monthly, November

Whitney, Mary E., in collaboration with Rebecca S. Wilburn.
"Women and the University," 1969. Ms., University of Virginia

Williams, Harrison, Jr., "The Diary of `Tiz' Williams," 1928. Ms.,
University of Virginia Library.

Yellow Journal, 1920-22, 1927-30, 1934.

A series of student papers for a 1977-78 seminar conducted by
Prof. Robert L. Baxter under the general heading "Recent History
of the University of Virginia," all on file in the University Library:
"The Anti-Vietnam War Protests and President Shannon's Involvement
in Dealing with Them," Robert W. Marsteller; "The Developing
Concept of the Virginia Gentleman," John P. Decker; "Student
Life at `Miss Betty's': The Student Experience at Miss Betty Cocke's
Rooming House," Ann Scott; "Annotated Folio of Fads and Fashions,
University of Virginia, 1950," Allison Huyett; "Cartoons: A
Year in the Life of the Cavalier Daily and the Declaration," Jeff Clements;
"Intercollegiate Swimming at the University of Virginia," Jacquelyn
E. Stone; "Implications of the Restoration of the Rotunda,"
Paul Zvonkovic; "Student Involvement in the Strike of May 1970,"
Cynthia Corcoran; "The Student and the War: The University of


Page 622
Virginia, 1941-1945," Sam Kellams; "Social Consciousness of the
Students at the University of Virginia during the Depression," unsigned;
"Service and Sacrifice: Student Life at the University of Virginia,
1941-1945," Doug Good; "The Social Life of Students at the
University of Virginia: The 1930s and 1940s," J. E. Sovocool, Jr.;
"Social Life at the University of Virginia during the Thirties," Nancy
Lewis; "Student Life in the Forties: A Compairson with Today," Jim
Jenkins; "Anti-War Activity in the Late Sixties at the University of
Virginia," Joe Dischinger.

Transcripts of oral interviews with the following: Atcheson L.
Hench, B. F. D. Runk, Thomas Cary Johnson, Dr. William B. Bean,
T. Braxton Woody, Arthur F. MacConochie, Colgate W. Darden, Jr.,
Stringfellow Barr, Randall Thompson, Tipton R. Snavely, Zula Mae
Baber Bice, James Constantine, Frederick Lyons Brown, Thomas
M. Carruthers, Robert K. Gooch, George W. Spicer, Edgar F. Shannon,
Jr., Francis L. Berkeley, Jr. All in the University of Virginia