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Prof. Bœck.

The School is divided into three classes:

Junior Class.— Theory and use of Engineering Instruments[1] ,
Land Surveying[1] and Levelling[1] , Construction of Roads, Railroads,
Canals and Tunnels, Spherical Astronomy and Geodesy, Drainage
and Irrigation, General Theory of Building, including Building Materials[1]
, Framing[1] , and Masonry[1] , General Theory of Projections[1] ,
Orthogonal and Oblique Projections, including Orthogonal and
Oblique Projections of Shades and Shadows[1] , Topographical Drawing[1]
, Constructive and Free-hand Drawing[1] , Drawing of Ornaments,
&c., Field Practice[1] .

Text Books.— Notes of the Professor.

Intermediate Class.— General Theory of Building continued,
embracing Lateral Pressure of Earth[1] , Retaining Walls[1] , Piers,
Arches, Foundations above ground and under water[1] , Strength of
Materials and its practical application to entire Constructions[1] ,
Roofs and Spires[1] , Private and Public Buildings, Warming and Ventilation
of Buildings, Wooden Bridges, in particular American
Wooden Bridges, Hydraulic Engineering, Construction of Wears and
Locks, River Improvements, Harbors, Supply of Cities and Towns
with Water, Sewerage, Axonometeric Projections, including Axonometric
Projections of Shades and Shadows[1] , Perspective, including
Perspective Projections of Shades and Shadows[1] , Stone Cutting,
Orders and Styles of Architecture, Free-hand Drawing continued,
Architecural Drawing and Design.

Text Books.— Notes of the Professor.

Senior Class.— Stone and Iron Bridges, Movable Bridges, Suspension
Bridges, Mechanical Engineering, Machinery and Machines,
Steam Engines, Mining Engineering, Construction of Furnaces and
Founderies, Architectural and Mechanical Drawing and Design, History
of Architecture, Higher Geodesy and Projection of Maps.

Text Books.— Notes of the Professor.

For the use of students in this school a commodious Drawing Hall
has been fitted up, and ample collections of Field Instruments, and of
Models illustrating the principles of Hydraulic, Architectural, and


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Mechanical Engineering, have been provided. These models, of admirable
workmanship, were constructed for the University in the
widely known establishment of Schröder, of Darmstadt, Germany.

Agricultural Engineering.

Use of Engineering Instruments, Surveying and Levelling, Construction
of Roads, Drainage and Irrigation, General Theory of Building,
embracing: Building Materials, Framing, Masonry, Foundations,
Flooring, Roofing, Elementary Principles of the Strength of Materials
and their application in practice, Construction of Simple Wooden
Bridges, Rural Architecture, Machinery, Transmission and Change of
Motion, General Theory of Agricultural Implements and Machines,
Drawing and Design.


The subjects marked by the asterisk are those required for the students
of Mining Engineering in this School.