University of Virginia Library

For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Education C1: The Place of the Child in Society.—Two B courses in Education
—First term: Study of the child in the social sciences.
Second term: The out-of-school life of school children. Third term:
Child life in foreign countries.—Hours to be arranged. Peabody Hall,
Room 2. Professor Heck.

Education C2: The Psychology of Leadership: Biology B1, or Philosophy
B3 and one course in Education, prerequisite.
—First and second terms: The
qualities in the dominant personality; scales of measuring the teacher's personality.
Third term: The psychological analysis of biography.—Hours by appointment.
Professor Hall-Quest.

Education C3: School Administration: Education B7 and one other
B course in Education, prerequisite.
—An advanced course in school administration,
dealing with the following: (a) Problems in the application of the
principles of scientific management to education; (b) School surveys: aims,
scope, method, and possibilities; (c) Principles governing the derivation,
standardization and application of standard education tests.—Hours by
appointment. Peabody Hall, Room 1. Professor Manahan.

For summer-school courses in Education on which college credit is
allowed, see p. 238.