University of Virginia Library


1. Household and Personal Hygiene.—This course will be especially
adapted to the needs of teachers, and of students of cooking,
and will cover the matter usually outlined in standard texts upon the
subject. Some time will be spent in the study of each of the following
topics: food and dietetics; the action of household drugs on
the human body; bacteriological decomposition of meats and vegetables;
the sanitary treatment of soil, air, and water; the treatment
and disposal of sewage; the sanitation of dwellings and schools; the
relation of insects to disease infection, susceptibility, and immunity;
personal hygiene.

Text-Books.—Allen's Civics and Health; Richie's Primer of Sanitation.

Daily, from 4:30 to 5:30. Professor Lambeth. Rotunda, Room 3.

Certificate Credit.—Summer School Professional Certificate—Advanced
Grade; Professional Grammar Grades Certificate; Professional
Primary Grades Certificate.