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[Ah! Lord, with late regret I own]

My people have committed two evils, &c. —ii. 13.

Ah! Lord, with late regret I own,
I have the double evil done,
Forsook the Spring of life and peace,
And toil'd for earthly happiness:
But what in them I sought with pain,
I could not from the creatures gain,
The cisterns which my folly hew'd
They would not hold one drop of good.
Now for my double sin I grieve,
Again the broken cisterns leave;
Again I after Thee would go,
And gasp Thy only love to know:
Fountain of true felicity,
Eternal God, spring up in me,
And fill'd with life, and love, and power,
My heart shall never wander more.



[The pains I have so long endured]

Hast thou not procured this unto thyself, &c. —ii. 17.

The pains I have so long endured,
I have unto myself procured,
Myself I now confess and feel
Sole author of my total ill;
I left my Guide to happiness,
I lost the true internal peace,
Nor can my soul retrieve its rest,
Till lodged again in Jesu's breast.


[By my own backslidings I]

Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, &c. —ii. 19.

By my own backslidings I
Terribly reproved have been,
Long, as at the point to die,
Groan'd—and added sin to sin:
Sin's reward in sin I gain,
Left its evil fruits to feel,
Fear, astonishment, and pain,
Late remorse, and present hell.


[Chasten'd thus, O Lord, I know]

Know therefore, and see, that it is an evil thing, &c. —ii. 19.

Chasten'd thus, O Lord, I know,
By Thy judgments' light I see,
Sin is bitterness of woe,
Hell is to depart from Thee:
When from Thee I would withdraw,
Cast out of my heart Thy fear,
Then the worm began to gnaw,
Then the fire was kindled here.


[Yes, Thou didst my soul release]

For of old time I have broken thy yoke. —ii. 20.

Yes, Thou didst my soul release,
(This fills up my guilt and pain,)
From the bands of wickedness,
From my old oppressor's chain!


Yes, my dear redeeming Lord,
Once I felt Thy gracious power,
Heard the sweet forgiving word
“Go in peace, and sin no more.”
Never more will I transgress,
Such was then my solemn vow;
Yet I quickly lost Thy grace,
Sliding back I know not how:
Farther still from God I roved,
Sunk in vile idolatry,
Every worldly thing I loved,
Clave to sin, and fled from Thee.
After all that I have done,
Favour may I yet obtain?
Wilt Thou own me for Thy son,
Take me to Thy arms again?
Ready to restore my peace
If Thou every moment art,
Now command my sin to cease,
Break, and now renew my heart.


[A maid cannot forget her dress]

Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride, &c. —ii. 32.

A maid cannot forget her dress,
A bride her ornaments forego,
Yet must we, Lord, with shame confess,
Vainest of all Thy works below,
Call'd by Thy name, Thy people we
Have all our lives forgotten Thee!
O might we put Thine image on,
That robe of spotless love receive!
Clothed with the Spirit of Thy Son
We could not then our Father leave,


Nor couldst Thou from our mind depart,
For ever dwelling in our heart.


[The blood of innocents I bear]

In thy skirts is found the blood of innocents. —ii. 34.

The blood of innocents I bear,
Of all to sin enticed by me,
Of souls an hoary murderer!
But lo, I to the city flee,
I plunge me in the fountain pure
Which purges my blood-guiltiness,
And bids me live with God secure,
And bids me die in perfect peace.


[Yes, from this instant now I will]

Wilt thou not from this time cry unto Me, &c. —iii. 4, 5.

Yes, from this instant now I will
To my offended Father cry:
My base ingratitude I feel,
Vilest of all Thy children I,
Not worthy to be call'd Thy son,
Yet will I Thee my Father own.
Guide of my youth hast Thou not been,
And rescued me from passion's power,
Ten thousand times preserved from sin,
Nor let the greedy gulf devour?
And wilt Thou now Thy wrath retain,
Nor ever love Thy child again?
Ah, canst Thou find it in Thy heart
To give me up so long pursued!
Ah, canst Thou finally depart,
And leave Thy creature in his blood!
Leave me out of Thy presence cast,
To perish in my sins at last?


If Thou hast will'd me to return,
If weeping at Thy feet I fall,
The prodigal in justice spurn,
Or pity and forgive me all,
In answer to my Friend above,
In honour of His bleeding love.


[Be it according to Thy word]

Return, thou backsliding Israel, &c. —iii. 12, 13.

Be it according to Thy word,
Merciful unto all, O Lord,
Be merciful to me:
Avert the wrath I deprecate,
Nor crush me with Thy judgments' weight,
Who would return to Thee.
Thy wrath shall not for ever last,
If pain'd at my pollutions pass'd
I groan to be made clean:
And lo, I now with grief confess
My inward parts are wickedness,
And all my life is sin.
I have mine idols multiplied,
Before the shrine of wrath and pride
With vile devotion fell;
Follow'd where'er the tempter led,
And by each beastly, devilish deed,
Debased my soul to hell.
My heart was harden'd from Thy fear,
Thy warning voice I would not hear,
But cast Thy words behind:
Yet for my Saviour's sake forgive;
And in Thy mercy's arms receive
Our whole apostate kind.



[The promise we for Israel plead]

Turn, O backsliding children, &c. —iii. 14, 15.

The promise we for Israel plead:
O that the once-belovèd seed
Back to their Lord might come!
Now bid them look on Thee, and mourn;
Where'er dispersed, collect, and turn,
And bring Thy wanderers home.
To Jews the gospel-faith impart,
And pastors after Thine own heart,
Thine ancient flock to feed
With knowledge of the Crucified,
The God who by their malice died,
And suffer'd in their stead.


[Thou hast, O Lord, Thine Israel bless'd]

And it shall come to pass, when ye, &c. —iii. 16.

Thou hast, O Lord, Thine Israel bless'd,
With Gentile proselytes increased;
The ark revered of old
Is now no longer named, or known,
The Jewish state and church are gone
Into the Christian fold.
Yet still we look for happier days,
When Adam's whole backslidden race
Shall be to Israel join'd:
Jesus, call forth Thy holy seed,
And haste throughout the earth to spread
The church of all mankind.


[But where Thou didst for ages dwell]

At that time they shall call Jerusalem, &c. —iii. 17.

But where Thou didst for ages dwell,
Thy brighter majesty reveal,
And call the land Thine own:
In Jewry's land Thy house repair,
Set up the' imperial standard there,
And fix Thy favourite throne.


To Salem, as their central place,
Saviour, bring in the ransom'd race,
Thy glorious name to' adore,
Redeem'd from all iniquity,
In spirit and truth to worship Thee,
Till time shall be no more.


[The mingled tribes where'er they lie]

In those days the house of Judah shall walk, &c. —iii. 18.

The mingled tribes where'er they lie,
Distinct to Thine all-seeing eye
They must Thy summons hear:
Hasten the day, when by Thy word
They all to their own land restored
Shall in our sight appear.
Judah and Israel's house incline
In one eternal league to join,
While both to Canaan come;
After their long captivity
Bid every soul regain in Thee
Its everlasting home.


[Who shall explain the mystery?]

But I said, How shall I put thee among, &c. —iii. 19.

Who shall explain the mystery?
God asks Himself, how can it be?
Will such an harden'd race
Their stubborn unbelief let go,
Accept the land which I bestow,
And live the sons of grace?
Yes; for Thou wilt Thy Son reveal,
The' apostates with Thy Spirit fill,
And take their sins away;
They then shall Abba Father cry,
And Thee through Jesus glorify
In one eternal day.



[Thou know'st, and Thou, O God, hast shown]

Thou know'st, and Thou, O God, hast shown
The means a rebel to convert:
To make even me a pleasant son,
Thy Spirit breathe into my heart;
My heart He then shall certify
I am a child, with pardon bless'd,
And Thou wilt hear my new-born cry,
And lull me in Thine arms to rest.


[Turn again, ye faithless race]

Return, ye backsliding children, and I will, &c. —iii. 22.

Turn again, ye faithless race,
Hasten to your Lord's embrace,
I will your backslidings heal,
Pardon on your conscience seal,
Take the sinful bent away,
Sin, and all its relics slay.
Lord, we answer to Thy call
Rising from our latest fall;
Thou our God and Saviour art,
Hear Thine echo from our heart,
Lo, we come, to be set free,
For Thyself we come to Thee.


[Man may swell with towering hope]

Truly in vain is salvation hoped for, &c. —iii. 23.

Man may swell with towering hope,
Heap his hills and mountains up,
By his virtuous efforts vain
Holiness he cannot gain,
Cannot to perfection rise,
Save himself, or scale the skies.
But if Thou Thyself impart,
Thou our whole Salvation art,


Feel Thy saints of Thee possess'd,
Full Perfection—in their breast,
All our grace laid up we see,
All our heaven enjoy in Thee.


[I will, through grace I will]

If thou wilt return, return. —iv. 1.

I will, through grace I will;
I do return to Thee:
Take, empty it, O Lord, and fill
My heart with purity:
For power I feebly pray;
Thy kingdom now restore,
To-day, while it is call'd to day,
And I shall sin no more.


[I cannot wash my heart]

O Jerusalem, wash thine heart, &c. —iv. 14.

I cannot wash my heart,
But by believing Thee,
And waiting for Thy blood to' impart
The spotless purity:
While at Thy cross I lie,
Jesus, the grace bestow,
Now Thine all-cleansing blood apply,
And I am white as snow.


[Fain would I wash my soul from sin]

Wash thine heart, that thou mayest be saved, &c. —iv. 14.

Fain would I wash my soul from sin,
In Jesu's wounded side,
From all the lusts that lodge within,
The spawn of self and pride.
I would be clean, Thou know'st I would,
Before I hence depart,
And feel the sprinkling of that blood
Which purifies the heart.


But what Thou didst for sinners shed,
Thou only canst apply,
And purge whom Thy own hands have made,
From crimes of deepest dye.
Thou wilt blot out the' engrafted stain,
My nature's filthiness;
Nor let one evil thought remain,
To violate my peace.
Enabled by Thy word, I rise
And wash my sins away;
Strong in the life Thy death supplies
I for salvation pray.
I pray, believing that Thy blood
Its full effect may have,
And bring me sanctified to God,
And to perfection save.
Selfish and vain desires in me
Shall never more reside,
When Thou, with all Thy purity,
Dost in my heart abide.
Thy uttermost salvation then
I in Thy presence prove;
The crown of righteousness obtain,
The heights and depths of love.


[Wash my own heart! It cannot be]

Wash my own heart! It cannot be,
Unless by coming unto Thee
The' atoning Lamb of God,
Unless Thou help me to draw nigh,
And purge my crimes of deepest dye
In Thy all-cleansing blood.


Thy blood can save from inbred sin
And make my leprous nature clean:
If Thou Thy Spirit impart,
Anger, concupiscence, and pride
Shall never with Thy Spirit reside,
Or lodge within my heart.
No evil thought shall there remain,
Pass through Thy temple, or profane
The place of Thy abode,
(Where all Thy glory is reveal'd,)
With the majestic presence fill'd
Of an indwelling God.
Come then, O Lord, into my heart,
That sin for ever may depart,
With every low desire;
That on the wings of faith and love
I may to those bless'd realms above
In every thought aspire.
O could I now in garments white
Ascend, and greet the sons of light
Who through Thy cross o'ercame,
Thy dazzling face with transport see,
And sing through all eternity
Salvation to the Lamb!


[Breathe into this foul heart of mine]

How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge, &c, —iv. 14.

Breathe into this foul heart of mine,
Fill'd with purity Divine
I then, O Lord, shall be,
And not a single thought unclean,
And not the least remains of sin
Shall ever lodge in me.



[Father, I will, I do repent]

Be thou instructed, [Heb. corrected,] &c. —vi. 8.

Father, I will, I do repent,
Humbly accept my punishment;
Ah, do not Thou the sinner leave,
Who chastening at Thy hands receive:
Instructed by Thy rod, I mourn,
Till Thou in pardoning love return,
And take the cause of grief away,
And with my soul for ever stay.


[Physicians of no price are they]

They have healed the hurt of the daughter, &c. —vi. 14.

Physicians of no price are they
Thy people's hurt who slightly heal,
Who bid us Thy commands obey
Before Thy pardoning grace we feel,
Before we feel our soul's disease,
Who wrap us up in worldly peace.
No peace is for the wicked found;
We all are wickedness within,
Till Thou search out our spirit's wound,
And pour the balm of Gilead in,
The joy and love, the oil and wine,
And heal our souls with blood Divine.


[Ah, simple souls, who fondly dream]

Ah, simple souls, who fondly dream
Of instantaneous holiness!
Though pride and self extinguish'd seem,
While all within is joy and peace,
Ye soon shall own, with shame compell'd,
The' original wound was slightly heal'd.
It cannot heal your sloth, to say
“Ye need not suffer first, or grieve,
Ye need not fight so long, or pray,
But now, ye novices believe,


But now the crown of victory seize,
But now be perfect—if you please!”
It cannot heal your pride, to praise,
And part you from the grovelling crowd,
To set you up for fools to gaze
At the strange miniatures of God,
Sinners transform'd by fancy's power
To saints, and perfect in an hour!
Rather a thousand-fold increase
Your flatter'd vanity obtains,
While in perfection's glorious dress
The self-exalting nature reigns,
And all your grace so highly prized
Is only Antichrist disguised!


[Stand we in the good old way]

Stand ye in the ways, and see, &c. —vi. 16.

Stand we in the good old way,
Who Christ by faith receive,
Heartily we must obey,
If truly we believe:
Other way can none declare
Than this from which we ne'er will move:
Saved by grace through faith we are,
Through faith that works by love.
Walking in this heavenly path
By saints and martyrs trod,
Freely justified by faith,
We now have peace with God;
Peace, unutterable peace!
The faithful feel it in their breast,
Then the rest of holiness,
And then the glorious rest!



[The men who slight Thy faithful word]

Trust ye not in lying words, saying, &c. —vii. 4.

The men who slight Thy faithful word
In their own lies confide,
These are the temple of the Lord,
And heathens all beside!
The temple of the Lord are these,
The only church and true,
Who live in pomp, and wealth, and ease,
And Jesus never knew.
The temple of the Lord—they pull
Thy living temples down,
And cast out every gracious soul
That trembles at Thy frown:
The church—they from their pale expel
Whom Thou hast here forgiven;
And all the synagogue of hell
Are the sole heirs of heaven!
O wouldst Thou, Lord, reveal their sins,
And turn their joy to grief,
The world, the Christian world, convince
Of damning unbelief;
The formalists confound, convert,
And to Thy people join,
And break, and fill the broken heart
With confidence Divine!


[What wisdom can in sinners dwell]

Lo, they have rejected the word, &c. —viii. 9.

What wisdom can in sinners dwell
Who care for neither heaven nor hell,
Refuse their Saviour to embrace,
And scoff the word of truth and grace?


Howe'er the world their prudence prize,
Unto their own damnation wise,
Their folly they too late shall know,
When mock'd by all the fiends below.


[The harvest of my joys is pass'd]

The harvest is past, the summer is ended, &c. —viii. 20.

The harvest of my joys is pass'd,
The summer of my comforts fled,
Yet am I unredeem'd at last,
And sink unsaved among the dead,
If on the margin of the grave
Thou canst not in a moment save.
Destroy me not by Thy delay,
Delay is endless death to me:
But the last moment of my day
Is as a thousand years to Thee:
Come, Jesus, while my head I bow,
And show me Thy salvation now!


[The summer of my youth is pass'd]

The summer of my youth is pass'd,
The winter of old age is here;
Yet, O my God, unsaved at last,
Unchanged, unholy I appear:
I am not in Thine image found,
A mere, mere helpless sinner I,
A wretched cumberer of the ground,
Not fit to live, not fit to die.
Mercy as with my latest breath,
Mercy in Jesus I implore,
My Ransomer from sin and death,
Spirit of life, and love, and power.


Enter this desperate, dying heart,
A saint out of a sinner bring,
And saved, I then in peace depart,
And Jesu's praise for ever sing.


[Yes, there is, there is, my God]

Is there no balm in Gilead? —viii. 22.

Yes, there is, there is, my God,
Balm, abundant balm in Thee,
Rivers of atoning blood,
Streams of living purity!
Pour the blood upon my soul,
Plunge me in the cleansing wave,
Close my wounds, and make me whole,
Show forth all Thy skill to save.


[I want the weeping prophet's heart]

Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes, &c. —ix. 1.

I want the weeping prophet's heart:
O might my Lord to me impart
That bleeding sympathy!
On me, Thou Man of Griefs, bestow
The spring of tears, the depth of woe,
The love that was in Thee.
I would our desolate Sion mourn
By vile intestine vipers torn,
By endless tempests toss'd,
A Babel of religious strife,
Buried in forms, whose power and life
Of godliness is lost.
Or if Thou hast a few restored,
Yet strangers to their bleeding Lord
The multitude remain,
Dead to a God they never knew,
People, and priests, and princes too


For these I would in secret grieve,
Their burden all day long receive,
For these incessant pray,
And many a mournful vigil keep,
Water my couch with tears, and weep
My pensive life away.
Only regard my dying cries,
And bid the ruin'd Church arise
Which more than life I love,
Call all her sons out of their grave,
And this whole house of Israel save
To sing Thy praise above.


[O that I could the desert find]

Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging-place. —ix. 2.

O that I could the desert find
Sequester'd from the faithless kind,
Forgotten and unknown
To earth's remotest corner flee,
And hid in calm obscurity,
Converse with God alone.
Lend me Thy wings, celestial Dove,
From earthly objects to remove,
Shut out the world of care,
Banish the creature from my sight,
And let me find my whole delight
In musing and in prayer.
But O! in vain the world I shun,
If out of sin I cannot run,
Or from myself depart,
If 'scaped from all external woe,
I carry still where'er I go,


This inbred enemy to rest,
That harasses my wretched breast,
Who shall expel him hence?
Answer, O Lord, by entering in,
Chase from my heart the man of sin,
Divine Omnipotence!
When all my unbelief is gone,
Then shall I dwell secure, alone
With Him that fills the skies;
Whose presence makes the secret place,
And opens in the wilderness
A constant paradise.
Come, Jesus, now Thy foe to' exclude,
Into the sacred solitude
My Spirit now receive;
And present in my happy breast,
My perfect peace, my heavenly rest,
My life eternal live.


[Let not the wise his wisdom boast]

Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, &c. —ix. 23.

Let not the wise his wisdom boast,
The mighty glory in his might,
The rich in flattering riches trust
Which take their everlasting flight;
The rush of numerous years bears down
The most gigantic strength of man,
And where is all his wisdom gone,
When dust, he turns to dust again!
One only gift can justify
The boasting soul that knows his God;
When Jesus doth His blood apply,
I glory in His sprinkled blood.


The Lord my righteousness I praise,
I triumph in the love Divine,
The wisdom, wealth, and strength of grace,
In Christ, through endless ages mine.


[Father, if Thou must reprove]

O Lord, correct me, but with judgment, &c. —x. 24.

Father, if Thou must reprove
For all that I have done,
Not in anger, but in love
Chastise Thine humbled son;
Use the rod, and not the sword,
Correct with kind severity,
Bring me not to nothing, Lord,
But bring me home to Thee.


[Tremble, ye families profane]

Pour out Thy fury upon the families, &c. —x. 25.

Tremble, ye families profane,
Where the great God is not adored,
Who take the name of Christ in vain,
But do not invocate your Lord;
Regardless of His smile or frown,
Ye pull His heaviest judgments down.
Before the threaten'd curse takes place,
And sweeps your prayerless souls to hell,
Daily unite to' implore His grace,
Invite Him in your tents to dwell,
Let every house His worship show,
And every heart His presence know.


[Give glory to your God and Lord]

Give glory to the Lord your God, &c. —xiii. 16.

Give glory to your God and Lord,
By casting all your sins away,
Warn'd by His Spirit and His word,
Sinners, repent, believe, obey,


Before He chase you from His sight,
And cover with Egyptian night.
Before ye lose your stumbling feet,
And on the dreary mountains fall,
Shrink from the dark unfathom'd pit,
On Jesu's name for mercy call,
Snatch, save us from the gulf beneath,
The horrors of eternal death.


[Can the Ethiop change his skin?]

Can the Ethiopian change his skin, &c. —xiii. 23.

Can the Ethiop change his skin?
His spots the leopard lose?
Can a soul inured to sin
The paths of virtue choose?
Yes, my kind almighty Lord,
At Thy transforming word they may;
I at Thy transforming word
Repent, believe, obey.


[Can the dark Ethiop change his skin]

Can the dark Ethiop change his skin,
Leopard without his spots appear?
Then I from old habitual sin,
May live redeem'd, and blameless here
May do my Saviour's utmost will,
And all His righteous laws fulfil.
To sense and pride by nature prone,
In sense and pride by custom bred,
Beneath the double chain I groan,
And never, never can be freed,
Unless I find the liberty
In blood Divine pour'd out for me.


That blood the mighty deed can do,
Can nature unto grace convert,
Obliterate sins of deepest hue,
Change the foul colour of my heart,
From darkness turn me into light,
And wash the swarthy Ethiop white.
Soon as that efficacious blood
Applied by living faith I feel,
I feel my heart and life renew'd,
Wrought is the thing impossible;
Effaced are all my inbred stains,
And not one spot of sin remains.


[No: I would not hitherto]

Wilt thou not be made clean? —xiii. 27.

No: I would not hitherto
With my uncleanness part,
Still complain'd of sin, nor knew
I hugg'd it in my heart;
I Thine hallowing will withstood:
Thou wast ready long ago;
Waitest now to' apply Thy blood,
And wash me white as snow.


[When I use the proffer'd power]

When I use the proffer'd power,
And to the Fountain fly,
Thou wilt in that self-same hour
Forgive, and sanctify;
Partly sanctify me then;
And if I at Thy cross abide,
Wash my inmost nature clean,
And take me to Thy side.



[Now, even now, I yield, I yield]

When shall it once be? —xiii. 27.

Now, even now, I yield, I yield
With all my sins to part;
Jesus, speak my pardon seal'd,
And purify my heart,
Purge this love of sin away,
Then I into nothing fall,
Then I see the perfect day,
And Christ is all in all.


[Hope of Thy church and Saviour, hear!]

O the Hope of Israel, the Saviour thereof, &c. —xiv. 8, 9.

Hope of Thy church and Saviour, hear!
In all our pass'd distresses near,
In all our faith's decays,
Why shouldst Thou at a distance stand,
Now as a stranger in the land,
And hide Thine angry face?
Or if Thy people to revive,
Thy Spirit doth for a season strive,
And visit us in love,
Why dost Thou vanish from our sight,
A guest that tarrieth but a night,
Impatient to remove?
Canst Thou at sin astonish'd be,
At Israel's incredulity,
And not know what to do?
Why should Omnipotence give place,
Or cease its miracles of grace
In such a land to show?
Yet in the midst of us Thou art,
Thou dost in many an humble heart
Thy gracious sway maintain,


Our candlestick is not removed;
Thy name is still by those approved
Who bear Thy name in vain.
Thee in our creeds we still confess,
Hold fast our form of godliness,
And search Thy written word:
Ah! do not, Lord, our nation leave,
Till with Thy Spirit we receive
A power to call Thee Lord.
Confirm in our degenerate days
And perfect Thine own work of grace
But now again begun,
Still with our favour'd nation stay,
Till every island flee away
Before Thine azure throne.


[Dreadful soul-o'erwhelming word!]

I am weary with repenting. —xv. 6.

Dreadful soul-o'erwhelming word!
Have we wearied out the Lord?
Can the God of mercy be
Weary of forgiving me?
Are His last compassions spent,
Will He never more repent,
Never more my sins pass by,
Leave me to sin on, and die?
Justly may'st Thou give me up
Dying without peace or hope,
Righteous is my God, if Thou
Finally forsake me now:
But if He, the sinners' Friend,
He, whose mercies never end,
Prays that I may turn and live,
Father, Thou must still forgive!



[Ah! why am I left to complain]

Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound, &c. —xv. 18.

Ah! why am I left to complain
In gloomy despair of relief?
No end of oppression and pain,
No respite, or ease of my grief!
To soothe my incurable wound
No friendly physician I see;
No balm is in Gilead found,
No promise of mercy for me.
In vain for redemption I look;
My hope in a Saviour unknown,
It passes away like a brook
Dried up in a moment and gone!
But God cannot finally fail;
The Fountain of life from above
Shall rise in the depth of the vale,
Shall flow with a current of love.


[Not all the mortal sons of grace]

The heart is desperately wicked. —xvii. 9.

Not all the mortal sons of grace,
Not all the angels can
Correct his desperate wickedness,
Or mend the heart of man:
But Jesus in the perfect day
Creating power shall show,
Take the old heart of sin away,
And dwell within the new.


[With man this is impossible]

Who can know it? I the Lord. —xvii. 9, 10.

With man this is impossible,
Himself aright to know,
God only can the depths reveal
Of our infernal woe:


Thou dost in purity delight,
Most holy, Lord, Thou art,
And yet Thou bear'st that hideous sight,
A naked, human heart.


[Omniscient God, to man declare]

Omniscient God, to man declare
His heart unsearchable,
And show us, as our souls can bear,
A glimpse of our own hell,
That glad out of our souls to run,
And take the blessing given,
We in Thy manifested Son
May find our present heaven.


[How often, Lord, have I believed]

The heart is deceitful above all things. —xvii. 9.

How often, Lord, have I believed
Myself instead of Thee,
Ten thousand, thousand times deceived
By my credulity!
In every victory of grace
I thought the conflict o'er,
So strong my hill of holiness,
I can be moved no more.
But oh, how desperately proud
My wretched heart unknown,
Which told me “I am fill'd with God,
And all the work is done!”
It whisper'd, “I am saved from sin,
And need no farther care,
If now I feel it not within,
It is no longer there.”
Yet surely, Lord, I may expect
Thy promises fulfill'd,


Thine image stamp'd on Thine elect,
Thy truth and mercy seal'd:
Thou wilt in that appointed day
Thy Spirit's might employ,
Thrust out the foe, its relics slay,
And finally destroy.
Thy sanctifying word is sure;
Thy word concerning me
Shall make me free indeed, and pure
From all iniquity.
Then shall my heart no more deceive,
While by my Saviour known,
Whate'er I am to Thee I leave,
And trust to Thee alone.


[If Thou Thy healing power exert]

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed. —xvii. 14.

If Thou Thy healing power exert,
Before my soul and body part,
My soul to health restored
Shall happy in Thy favour live,
And perfected in love retrieve
The image of its Lord.


[Physician of the fallen race]

Physician of the fallen race,
Apply the medicine of Thy grace,
And while my heart believes Thy word
Raised from the death of sin I live,
Complete salvation I receive,
To perfect health, and love, and holiness restored.


[Good Lord, for Thy own goodness sake]

Save me, and I shall be saved. —xvii. 14.

Good Lord, for Thy own goodness sake,
The sin out of my nature take,
And cleansed from all impurity,


And still besprinkled with Thy blood,
In real holiness renew'd
My soul shall humbly rise, a temple meet for Thee.


[Saviour, Thy balmy grace impart]

Saviour, Thy balmy grace impart,
Physician of the sin-sick heart;
Thou only canst its plague remove,
And heal me by Thy precious love.
A sinner, at the point to die,
I live, if Thou Thy blood apply;
To perfect sanity restored,
And one with my almighty Lord.
That health of soul I gasp to know,
Which only Jesus can bestow:
Jesus, Thy sovereign skill display,
And take this seed of sin away;
The' original infirmity,
O were it now expell'd by Thee
Who didst my every pain endure,
And die Thyself to' effect my cure.
The world with feeble saints agree,
In vain to urge, “It cannot be!
Sin must remain, howe'er expell'd
And heal'd; ye never will be heal'd!”
I trust my kind Physician's skill,
And saved according to Thy will
Shall live, a saint in love complete,
Shall die, a sinner at Thy feet.


[Heal me, O gracious Lord, for well]

Heal me, O gracious Lord, for well
Thou know'st myself I cannot heal,
All sin and weakness I:


But I shall be to health restored,
If Thou pronounce the sovereign word,
If Thou the balm apply.
Save, for myself I cannot save,
Thou know'st in me no help I have,
No tendency to good.
But if Thou my salvation art,
I shall be pure in life and heart,
And after God renew'd.
God over all, Thy power I own,
Thine energy of grace make known,
Thy love in me reveal;
Then shall I joyfully proclaim,
Jesus, Thy wonder-working name
Omnipotent to heal.
Then shall I my Physician praise,
Extol the God of pardoning grace,
Of peerless purity,
A monument of Thy saving love,
The truth of Thy perfection prove,
And live and die like Thee.


[Earth rejoice, the Lord hath raised]

Behold, the days come, that I will raise, &c. —xxiii. 5.

Earth rejoice, the Lord hath raised
His own incarnate Son,
On the throne of David placed,
And on His heavenly throne,
Righteous Branch of Jesse's stem
Righteousness He doth maintain,
King of saints, He reigns in them,
And shall for ever reign.



[Judah now, the land of praise]

In His days Judah shall be saved, &c. —xxiii. 6.

Judah now, the land of praise,
Is with His Spirit fill'd,
Inward Jews, the sons of grace,
Enjoy their pardon seal'd,
Long as Jesus rules the sky,
His people shall in safety dwell,
All the strength of sin defy,
And all the powers of hell.
Him in every age the same
We joyfully confess,
Justly glory in His name
The Lord our Righteousness!
Ours in righteousness bestow'd,
Ours in righteousness brought in,
Ours with all the life of God
For ever fix'd within.


[What is the chaff, the word of man]

What is the chaff to the wheat? —xxiii. 28.

What is the chaff, the word of man,
When set against the wheat?
Can it a dying soul sustain,
Like that immortal meat?
Thy word, O God, with heavenly bread
The children doth supply,
And those who by Thy word are fed
Their souls shall never die.


[Jesus, Lord, our hearts inspire]

Is not My word like as a fire? —xxiii. 29.

Jesus, Lord, our hearts inspire
With that true word of Thine,
Kindle now that heavenly fire
To brighten and refine,


Purify our faith like gold,
All the dross of sin remove,
Melt our spirits down, and mould
Into Thy perfect love.


[If Thou dost Thy gospel bless]

Is not My word like a hammer? —xxiii. 29.

If Thou dost Thy gospel bless,
If Thou apply the word,
Then our broken hearts confess
The hammer of the Lord:
Fully, Lord, Thy hammer use,
Force the nations to submit,
Smite the rocks, and break, and bruise
The world beneath Thy feet.


[True and faithful as Thou art]

I will give them an heart to know Me, &c. —xxiv. 7.

True and faithful as Thou art,
To all Thy church and me
Give the new believing heart
That knows and cleaves to Thee;
Freely our backslidings heal,
And by Thy balmy grace restored,
Grant that every soul may feel
“Thou art my pardoning Lord!”
Might we now with pure desire
Thine only love request,
Now with willing heart entire
Return to Christ our rest;
When we our whole heart resign,
Jesus, to be fill'd up with Thee,
Thou art ours, and we are Thine
Through all eternity.



[If grace doth more than sin abound]

Ye shall find Me, when ye shall search, &c. —xxix. 13.

If grace doth more than sin abound,
If willing to be found Thou art,
Why have not I my Saviour found?
I sought Thee not with all my heart:
Ah, give me, Lord, the seeking grace,
The vehemence of an heart sincere,
And then display Thy smiling face,
And then my hallowing God appear.


[Great in evil is the day]

Alas, for that day is great, so that none, &c. —xxx. 7.

Great in evil is the day
Which now I groan to feel,
While He doth my heart display,
Mine inbred sin reveal,
Lay the depths of Satan bare,
Extort the agonizing cry,
Save me sinking in despair,
Or I for ever die!
Pity in my last distress,
And leave me not alone,
In my utter feebleness
Thy perfect strength make known;
Bring me then out of the fire,
Thy face in holiness to see,
Seven times purified, entire,
And all complete in Thee.


[Hasten, Lord, the day of rest]

In that day I will break his yoke, &c. —xxx. 8.

Hasten, Lord, the day of rest
From this indwelling sin,
Vindicate Thy church oppress'd,
And still enslaved within;


Burst our bonds, and let us go
From every thought of evil freed,
Pure in heart, and saints below,
And like our sinless Head.


[Sin that we may serve no more]

They shall serve the Lord their God, &c. —xxx. 9.

Sin that we may serve no more,
Its last remains erase,
Fill our hearts with peace and power,
With Christ our righteousness;
Raise our David to the throne,
That every child of Adam may
Thee, and Thy co-equal Son,
World without end obey.


[God of truth, we wait on Thee]

Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, &c. —xxx. 10.

God of truth, we wait on Thee,
Whose arm shall bring us back:
Turn our long captivity
For Thy own mercy's sake,
Save Thy church in Babylon,
Who of Thy pardoning grace possess'd,
Still for full redemption groan,
And love's eternal rest.
By Thy Spirit's outstretch'd hand
Our captive souls release,
Bring us forth into the land
Where wars and fightings cease,
Swallow up our will in Thine,
Our fear and sin at once remove,
Sin by purity Divine,
And fear by perfect love.



[With me, Lord, I know, Thou art]

I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save thee. —xxx. 11.

With me, Lord, I know, Thou art,
And dost from sin restrain;
Keep'st the issues of my heart,
While pride and self remain:
Still I on Thy power rely,
Till wholly sanctified I am,
Fully saved to glorify
Mine utmost Saviour's name.


[No, Thou wilt not make an end]

Yet will I not make a full end of thee, &c. —xxx. 11.

No, Thou wilt not make an end
Of me, but of my sin;
On Thy promise I depend
For purity within:
That I may partake the grace,
Thou still dost tenderly reprove;
Chasten'd from my earliest days
I bless my Father's love.


[On Thy word my soul is stay'd]

I will restore health unto thee, and I will, &c. —xxx. 17.

On Thy word my soul is stay'd,
Thy word, O God, is sure:
Heal the wounds which sin has made,
Complete my spirit's cure;
That I may relapse no more,
Root out the seed of my disease,
Me to perfect health restore,
To perfect holiness.


[Who hath engaged my heart to' address]

Who is this that engaged his heart, &c. —xxx. 21.

Who hath engaged my heart to' address
My Father's gracious throne?
Lord, if I use the power, the praise
I give to Thee alone:


My heart was first engaged by Thee;
And sure as Thou art near,
Thou wilt set up Thy throne in me,
And reign triumphant here.


[Is there a soul Thou dost not call]

I have loved thee with an everlasting love, &c. —xxxi. 3.

Is there a soul Thou dost not call,
A heart Thou dost not, Lord, incline?
My Saviour, lifted up for all,
Thou wouldst with cords of love Divine
Draw every sinner to Thy breast:
O may I never more draw back,
But yield to be completely bless'd,
And all Thy proffer'd fulness take.


[Draw me, Saviour, from above]

Draw me, Saviour, from above,
Still to every sin inclined,
Bind me with the cords of love;
Love alone my soul can bind.
Stop its vile propensity,
Change its grovelling appetite,
Jesus, manifest to me,
Be Thyself my pure delight.
By Thy most mysterious pain,
By Thy bloody sweat, I pray,
By Thy dying love to man,
Take, O take my sins away;
By Thy supplicating cries,
Me out of myself remove,
Crucified before my eyes,
Force my heart its God to love.



[Too strong for this weak soul of mine]

The Lord hath ransomed Jacob, &c. —xxxi. 11.

Too strong for this weak soul of mine
Satan, the world, and sin, I own,
But trust, O Lord, that love of Thine,
Which laid Thy life a ransom down;
My soul by love's victorious power
Thou wilt to perfect liberty,
To perfect holiness restore,
Only because Thou diedst for me.


[Sing, ye happy souls, that press]

They shall come and sing in the height of Zion, &c. —xxxi. 12.

Sing, ye happy souls, that press
Toward the height of holiness,
Praise Him whom in part ye know,
Freely to His goodness flow,
All His promises receive,
All the grace He hath to give.
Jointly, Lord, we come to Thee,
All in one request agree,
Feed us with the living Bread,
With Thyself our spirits feed,
Give the unction from above,
Oil of joy, and wine of love.


[For Thy truth and mercy's sake]

And their soul shall be as a watered garden, &c. —xxxi. 12.

For Thy truth and mercy's sake,
As a water'd garden make
Every soul that gasps for God,
With Thine holiest love o'erflow'd,
Till by just degrees we rise
Thy terrestrial paradise.
When from Thee we cannot turn,
Then we never more shall mourn,


Quite recover'd from our fall,
Shall not sin or grieve at all,
Then we pray, give thanks, adore,
Sing, and triumph evermore.


[Pleading now Thy faithful word]

I will satiate the soul of the priests, &c. —xxxi. 14.

Pleading now Thy faithful word,
Let the priests enjoy their Lord,
Satiate every hungering soul,
Bid Thy people's joy be full,
Fill'd with all Thy sanctity,
Bid us lose ourselves in Thee.


[I take Thee at Thy word]

There is hope in thine end. —xxxi. 17.

I take Thee at Thy word:
Let it accomplish'd be:
According to Thy promise, Lord,
In death remember me!
O seal it on my heart;
And when I life resign,
My hope if in my end Thou art,
Thou art for ever mine.


[Hast Thou not heard my sad complaint?]

I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning, &c. —xxxi. 18.

Hast Thou not heard my sad complaint?
Do I not still myself bemoan?
With all Thy chastisements I want
Thy grace, to break my heart of stone:
Till Thou my stony heart hast broke,
Rebellious in distress and pain,
I struggle to throw off Thy yoke,
I kick against the pricks in vain.


If Thou my stubbornness convert,
Converted I shall truly be,
For Thou the great Jehovah art,
My Lord, my God, who died for me:
Rent by that final groan Divine,
The rocky mountains must remove,
And hearts inflexible as mine
Bow down to Thy expiring love.


[Throughout my fallen soul I feel]

Turn Thou me, and I shall be turned. —xxxi. 18.

Throughout my fallen soul I feel
Repentance is impossible;
Till Thou the rock hast rent,
And changed to flesh the heart of stone,
Like Satan in his chains, I groan,
But never can repent.


[Show Thy converting grace on me]

Show Thy converting grace on me,
And truly turn'd I then shall be,
My soul to perfect health restore
And then I shall relapse no more,
But Thee my utmost Saviour own,
And live and die for God alone.
Faith to be heal'd Thou know'st I have,
Acknowledging Thy power to save,
Thy will to speak the leper clean,
Thy promise to extirpate sin;
And lo! I only live to prove
The truth of Thy almighty love.
Ah wouldst Thou, Lord, my soul inspire
With spiritual, intense desire,
With hatred of iniquity,
With love of righteousness, and Thee,


And make me, Saviour, as Thou art
Lowly, and meek, and pure in heart.
When in Thine image I awake
I must Thy happiness partake,
Possessor of Thy heavenly mind
Rest to my weary soul I find,
Receive the earnest in my breast,
And glide to everlasting rest.


[Turn'd by Thy Son's victorious blood]

Surely after that I was turned, I repented. —xxxi. 19.

Turn'd by Thy Son's victorious blood,
Father, I now at last repent,
Instructed by Thy mercy's rod
With shame accept my punishment;
Smiting on this unworthy breast
To lift mine eyes I scarcely dare,
Myself I loathe, abhor, detest,
And faint my youth's reproach to bear.


[Father, for Jesu's sake alone]

Is Ephraim My dear son? &c. —xxxi. 20.

Father, for Jesu's sake alone,
Tell me that Thou art reconciled,
And own a rebel for Thy son,
Thy son beloved, Thy pleasant child;
Thy justice spake the' afflicting word;
But now with yearning pity see,
With bowels of compassion stirr'd,
And still for good remember me.
Mercy I ask in Jesu's name,
(Who bought the grace for all mankind,)
Forgiveness through His blood I claim,
Forgiveness through His blood I find:


For mercy and redeeming grace
Still on my Saviour I depend,
Till in His strength I win the race,
And through His wounds to heaven ascend.


[When He did our flesh assume]

A woman shall compass a man. —xxxi. 22.

When He did our flesh assume,
That everlasting Man,
Mary held Him in her womb
Whom heaven could not contain!
Who the mystery can believe?
Incomprehensible Thou art;
Yet we still by faith conceive,
And bear Thee in our heart.


[That blessed law of Thine]

I will write My law in their hearts. —xxxi. 33.

That blessed law of Thine,
Jesus, to me impart,
Thy Spirit's law of life Divine,
O write it in my heart;
Implant it deep within,
Whence it may ne'er remove,
The law of liberty from sin,
The perfect law of love.
Thy nature be my law,
Thy spotless sanctity,
And sweetly every moment draw
My happy soul to Thee:
Soul of my soul remain;
Who didst for all fulfil,
In me, O Lord, fulfil again
Thy heavenly Father's will.



[Essence incomprehensible]

They shall all know Me. —xxxi. 34.

Essence incomprehensible,
Jehovah, who can know,
Who was, and is, and comes to dwell
With all His saints below!
Then the whole world shall be restored
And bow to Jesu's name,
Fill'd with the knowledge of the Lord,
The infinite I AM.


[Not from the greatest to the least]

They shall all know Me, from the least, &c. —xxxi. 34.

Not from the greatest to the least
The saving word shall move,
The poor are chosen first, and bless'd
With Thine enriching love:
Now let Thy knowledge upwards spread,
Till all their Lord embrace,
Through faith from sin for ever freed,
For ever saved by grace.


[But long as I my sins repeat]

I will remember their sin no more. —xxxi. 34.

But long as I my sins repeat,
My sins Thou never canst forget,
But while I persevere in ill,
My crimes Thou must remember still;
Lord, that Thy promise may take place,
Evil out of my heart erase;
I then shall in Thy grace abide,
Fully, for ever justified.


[No, they cry, it cannot be!]

I will give them one heart, and one way, &c. —xxxii. 39.

No, they cry, it cannot be!
Christians never will agree!
All the world Thy word deny,
Yet we on the truth rely,


Sure, in that appointed day,
Thou wilt give us all one way,
Show us each to other join'd,
One in heart, and one in mind.
Hasten then the general peace,
Bid Thy people's discord cease,
All united in Thy name,
Let us think, and speak the same:
Then the world shall know and own
God Himself hath made us one,
Thee their Lord with us embrace,
Sing Thine everlasting praise.


[That covenant of eternal grace]

I will make an everlasting covenant, &c. —xxxii. 40.

That covenant of eternal grace
When wilt Thou make with me?
My heart I open to embrace
The God of purity:
Now let me feel Thy Spirit brought in,
And when in me Thou art,
Feel it impossible to sin,
Impossible to part.
In proof, Thou wilt not cease to love,
But still Thy servant bless,
This inbred stumbling-block remove
By perfect holiness:
I know the covenant is sure,
Seal'd with Thy Spirit's seal,
And in me, when my heart is pure,
Thou wilt for ever dwell.


[Physician of the sin-sick race]

I will bring it health and cure, &c. —xxxiii. 6.

Physician of the sin-sick race,
Come with Thy plenitude of grace
To this poor dying soul.


The oil and wine of grace pour in,
And heal the desperate wounds of sin,
And make my spirit whole.
Ah, give me, Lord, in. Thee to find
The spirit of an healthful mind,
The kingdom from above,
Thine utmost truth in me reveal,
Mine unbelief and misery heal
By perfect peace and love.
Thy presence doth my bliss ensure,
Thy presence is my nature's cure;
The truth, the peace Thou art,
And Thee possessing, I possess
Life, everlasting righteousness,
Perfection in my heart.


[Who truly know His name]

This is the name wherewith she shall, &c. —xxxiii. 16.

Who truly know His name
In righteousness restored,
Partakers of His grace they claim
The title of their Lord,
His shining character
Throughout their lives express,
And all His superscription bear
In perfect holiness.


[The thing my God doth hate]

Oh, do not this abominable thing that I hate. —xliv. 4.

The thing my God doth hate
That I no more may do,
Thy creature, Lord, again create,
And all my soul renew;


My soul shall then, like Thine,
Abhor the thing unclean,
And sanctified by love Divine,
For ever cease from sin.


[O Thou faithful God of love]

Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve, &c. —xlix. 11.

O Thou faithful God of love,
Gladly I Thy promise plead,
Waiting for my last remove,
Hastening to the happy dead,
Lo, I cast on Thee my care,
Breathe my latest breath in prayer.
Trusting in Thy word alone,
I to Thee my children leave;
Call my little ones Thine own,
Give them, all Thy blessings give,
Keep them while on earth they breathe,
Save their souls from endless death.
Whom I to Thy grace commend
Into Thine embraces take,
Be her sure immortal Friend,
Save her for my Saviour's sake;
Free from sin, from sorrow free,
Let my widow trust in Thee.
Father of the fatherless,
Husband of the widow prove;
Me and mine persist to bless,
Tell me, we shall meet above,
Seal the promise on my heart,
Bid me then in peace depart



[Come, let us use the grace Divine]

Come, and let us join ourselves to the Lord, &c. —l. 5.

Come, let us use the grace Divine,
And all with one accord
In a perpetual covenant join
Ourselves to Christ our Lord,
Give ourselves up through Jesu's power
His name to glorify,
And promise in this sacred hour
For God to live, and die.
The covenant we this moment make
Be ever kept in mind!
We will no more our God forsake,
Or cast His words behind;
We never will throw off His fear,
Who hears our solemn vow:
And if Thou art well-pleased to hear,
Come down, and meet us now!
Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Let all our hearts receive,
Present with Thy celestial host
The peaceful answer give;
To each the covenant-blood apply
Which takes our sins away,
And register our names on high,
And keep us to that day!


[Then Thou wilt pardon me]

I will pardon them whom I reserve. —l. 20.

Then Thou wilt pardon me,
Reserved for this alone
That I may Thy salvation see,
And know the God unknown;


Thou wilt Thy blood apply,
I shall be soon forgiven,
Kept out of hell so long, that I
May reign with Thee in heaven.


[Saviour-God, Thine Israel here]

The children of Israel were oppressed, &c. —l. 33, 34.

Saviour-God, Thine Israel here
For ages hath remain'd
Bound in chains of guilty fear,
In Babylon detain'd,
Slaves to serve our lords compell'd:
The world, and our infernal foe,
Fast in sin's dark dungeon held,
And would not let us go.
But, O Lord of hosts, in Thee
We a Redeemer have,
Strong to set Thy people free,
Omnipotent to save:
Rise, and throughly plead our cause,
From all iniquity release,
Claim the purchase of Thy cross,
And bid us go in peace.
Break this Babylonish yoke,
And now redeem the' oppress'd,
Jesus, to Thy wounds we look
For liberty and rest:
Rest from sin that we may know,
Assure us of our sins forgiven,
Then the perfect love bestow,
And then the rest of heaven.