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May 26-31
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May 26-31

No church. A letter from Bob. He is sick at Madison Court House. We hear Old Jackson is clearing Western Virginia of the Yankees. It is generally believed we are soon to go into Maryland. A great battle is expected to come off in the neighborhood of Richmond. We feel very uneasy about Sue but Friday she, John, Kathleen, Ellie and Emily [Kathleen and Ellie Macmurdo are John's sisters and Emily is Sue's slave maid] make their appearance among us. They have been driven off by the Yankees from Ashland and have come to stay with us until the fate of Richmond is decided ....Sally sends me a letter from Jabe; he is in six miles of Richmond. He has lost Buc. [Jabe] is acting Senior Surgeon of the Regiment. Seems anxious for the fight to come off; is very certain of success. Sally is talking of coming to see me as soon as she can get any one to stay with Sister Mary; does not like to leave her by herself.