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To the true Patterns of Noblesse and Heroicall vertue, Richard Earle of Dorset, and Sir Edward Sackuill Knight of the Bath his most noble Brother.
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To the true Patterns of Noblesse and Heroicall vertue, Richard Earle of Dorset, and Sir Edward Sackuill Knight of the Bath his most noble Brother.

Epigram. 372.

You Starres that in our States Spheare shine as bright
As Suns fixt neere our Zenith, daying Night:
Stil on such Dayes-eyes shine (though planted low)
By Fortunes hand, as turne to such as you
To be set open, when they (hid) hang downe
Their heads for want of Grace to make thē known.
I need not force the free; you shine on such,
No Starres within our Hemispheare so much:
So much for that; but this much more for you,
(Though more you cannot haue then is your due)
You, for your high Worthes Rayes, I'le Raise to be
Castor and Pollux both to Heau'n and me.