Another maner of equaciouns of houses by the
Tak thin ascendent, and than hast thou thy 4 angles; for wel
thou wost that the opposit of thin ascendent, that is to seyn,
the begynnyng of the 7 hous, sitt upon the west orisonte, and the
begynnyng of the 10 hous sitt upon the lyne meridional, and his
opposyt upon the lyne of mydnight. Than ley thy label over the
degre that ascendith, and rekne fro the point of thy label alle
the degrees in the bordure tyl thou come to the meridional lyne;
and departe alle thilke degrees in 3 evene parties, and take
there the evene equacions of 3 houses; for ley thy label over
everich of these 3 parties, and than maist thou se by thy label,
in the zodiak, the begynnyng of everich of these same houses fro
the ascendent; that is to seyn, the begynnyng of the 12 hous next
above thin ascendent, the begynnyng of the 11 hous, and than the
10 upon the meridional lyne, as I first seide. The same wise
worch thou fro the ascendent doun to the lyne of mydnyght, and
thus hast thou othre 3 houses; that is to seyn, the begynnyng of
the 2, and the 3, and the 4 hous. Than is the nader of these 3
houses the begynnyng of the 3 houses that folewen.