University of Virginia Library


[High on Thy heavenly throne]

To this man will I look, even to him, &c. —lxvi. 2.

High on Thy heavenly throne,
O look with pity down,
To an abject sinner look,
One that on Thy footstool lies!
Help me, Lord, my heart is broke:
Save, or now my spirit dies.
My soul, Thou know'st, is faint,
Ready to die for want;
Still I tremble at Thy word,
“Damn'd the infidel shall be!”
Come my long-expected Lord,
Work the saving faith in me.
Now let Thy look inspire
My soul with pure desire;
Life into my heart convey,
Chase my evil with Thine eyes,
Look these fears and sins away,
Look me up to paradise.