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James Berrey Botts, the subject of this notice is the
present efficient Tax Collector of Roanoke, and is one
of the most widely known and popular young men in
the city. He was born
illustration in the city of Fredericksburg,
August 5th, 1868,
and is a son of Albert
B. and Ellen (Young)
Botts. He was educated
in the schools of his
native city and came
to Roanoke in 1888
and for a period of ten
years, worked in the
various departments of
the Norfolk & Western
offices. In 1898 he was
elected City Tax Collector
and has been continuously
reölected seven
times. As an official of
the city, his record has
been clean and above
reproach and he is popular among all classes of population.
In politics, Mr. Botts is an ardent Democrat
and has always taken an active interest in his party's
welfare. For the past two years he has been Chairman
of the City Democratic Executive Committee, and
his wise counsel has been of incalculable benefit to
the party.

In 1891 he was married to Miss Harriott Lee Meade,
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Meade, formerly of
Roanoke and two children were born to them, William
Meade and James Berry Botts, Jr. Mrs. Botts died
September 15th, 1898, and in 1901 he was united in
marriage to Miss Janet H. Hilleary, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hilleary of Roanoke, and they have two
children as follows: John H. and Janet Botts.

Mr. Botts has been prominently identified with the
business interests of this city for many years and as a
"builder" of Roanoke has played an important part.

He is President and General Manager of the Dominion
Metal Products Corporation, and Vice President
and Treasurer of the Roanoke Bridge Company. An
extended notice of these enterprises will be found on
another page of this book.

Fraternally Mr. Botts is a member of Acca Temple,
Bayard Commandery, Murray Chapter, Pleasants
Lodge A. F. and A. M., Wahoo Tribe of Red Men,
Roanoke Lodge No. 197 B. P. O. E., Roanoke Aerie
No. 813 F. O. E., Royal Arcanum and the Knights
of Pythias. Religiously he is a member of the Protestant
Episcopal Church.