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Scene III.—Sea-shore near Old Tyre.

Alexander, Ptolemy, Hephestion.
There's truth on earth still extant. Read that missive:

(reads aloud).
“‘The Hebrew people, subject long to Persia,
Revolt not. Neither war they with the Greek
That wrong'd them not. Their God shall guard His own.’”

These men speak plainly; Tyre prevaricated:
These stand at neither side; but Tyre at both:
I somewhat love thee, Hierosolyma!


I'll find a time ere Tyre has met her doom
To look upon that city. Lo, Philotas!
[Philotas approaches.
He has been a-prospering, and his heart is high.

'Tis higher than his head; and that he tosses
As though he supp'd with gods. His thoughts, what are they?
Brain-bubbles from infructuous restlessness:
Alone the slowly-gender'd thought lives long:
The rest I deem of as the buzzing swarm
Teem'd from the mud of Nile.

Hail, Alexander!
Damascus sups with Death!

It ne'er was strong.

Oh, 'tis a mighty city, and a rich!
It stands in meads well-water'd, girt with gardens
That charge the winds with fragrance. Then the captives!
Their ransom shall enrich you with a flood
Beggaring the all-gold Pactolus;—princely ladies
From Issus, and three daughters of King Ochus;
Dead Memnon's widow, and his daughters three.
We've clutch'd, 'mid other spoils, Darius' wardrobe!
If all Old Tyre were turn'd to theatre,
And all our soldiers changed to mimes, the least
Might choose his part, and play it with fit garb!
I'd end this tedious siege with one great drama,
“The tragic comedy of Persia's fall,”
(Myself the extempore Aristophanes)
And homeward speed next morn!

The royal treasure?

Sir, 'tis a world of ingots and of gems.

That means a fleet. The price of Sidon's paid.


The treasure's well; but oh, the way we won it!
Upon an intercepted messenger
We found a scroll from him that ruled Damascus,
Proffering submission, friendship, and the gold.
We sent him back—a smile our only answer—
And follow'd to the city. From its gates
A long procession issued streaming forth,
Sleek courtiers, nobles, magistrates, and priests,
Seven thousand beasts of burthen in their midst
Beneath the treasure bent. Old Syphax cried,
“They'll claim reward.” Like lightning, while they near'd us,
As though we took that concourse huge for war,
We hurled on them a squadron of our horse,
With orders not to spare. The sight was merry:
The wonder in their stupid eyes upturn'd
Surpass'd, methought, the terror!

A deed accursed,
Hateful to all the gods, to me, your king,
Opprobrious, and the total state of Greece,
Your father wrought, and you, than him more vile,
So much his weakness leans upon your folly.
Necessities of war compel at times
Complicity with traitors: double treason
Traitors themselves abhor. Corrupt them first,
Then cheat and slay them! Name of Macedon!
With what a clownish shoon have knaves in dance,
Yea, thine own children trampled thee to mud,
Pale Persia's scorn! The Dacian had not done it!
I'll learn of this at large from men not false
And with just vengeance wash my household clean.
Back to Damascus! Send your father hither
Andromachus shall rule there in his stead.


I'll trust no more Parmenio with that honour
Which he dishonours
[Philotas makes obeisance and retires.
After him, Ptolemy!
He'll bruit abroad this massacre. Lo, Hephestion,
How thin a varnish coats the ingrain'd baseness
Of these new-mounted upstarts! Kings and trinkets
Have eaten out his honest heart! In Thrace
Man-like he fought: the man has swell'd to boyhood,
Vainglorious, petulant, restless, garrulous, loud,
The prey of his necessities. Beware him!
A man of faculties without a head;
Passions, but yet no heart. His cruelty
Finds provocation still in mirth, not anger.

I've noted that long since. The man's still young:
Coldness in youth is twice the cold of eld:
Beneath the ashes of a fire burnt out
Some heat may lurk; but from the unfuell'd hearth
And dusk bars of a never-lighted fire
The chillness comes of death. Not Macedon,
'Twas warm Greece taught me that.

Beware the man!
Twice, while I rated him, he glanced at you
With sidelong eye. He'll hurt you when he may.