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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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S. Andreski, Military Organization and Society (1954; 2d
ed., Berkeley, 1968). R. Aron, De la Guerre (1957), trans.
Terence Kilmartin as On War (Garden City, N.Y., 1959).
L. Bramson, and G. W. Goethals, eds., War: Studies from
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
(New York, 1964) is a
fine anthology. A. Buchan, War in Modern Society: An
(London, 1966). C. von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege
(1832-34), trans. O. M. J. Jollis as On War (New York, 1943).
B. W. C. Cook et al., eds., The Garland Library of War
and Peace
(New York) is a reprint series. E. M. Earle, ed.,
Makers of Modern Strategy: Military Thought from Machia-
velli to Hitler
(1942; New York, 1966). S. E. Finer, The Man
on Horseback: The Role of the Military in Politics
(New York,
1962). S. P. Huntington, The Soldier and the State: The
Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations
(1957; New
York, 1964). M. Janowitz, The Professional Soldier: A Social
and Political Portrait
(Glencoe, Ill., 1960); idem, ed., The
New Military: Changing Patterns of Organization
(New York,
1964a); idem, The Military in the Political Development of
New Nations: An Essay in Comparative Analysis
1964b). T. R. Phillips, ed., Roots of Strategy: A Collection
of Military Classics
(Harrisburg, Pa., 1940). Polybius, Histo-
trans. Mortimer Chambers, abridged, intro. by E.
Badian (New York, 1966). D. B. Ralston, ed., Soldiers and
States: Civil-Military Relations in Modern Europe
1966) is a good anthology. L. F. Richardson, Statistics of
Deadly Quarrels,
ed. Q. Wright and C. C. Lienau (Pitts-
burgh, 1960), and Arms and Insecurity: A Mathematical
Study of the Causes and Origins of War,
ed. N. Rashevsky
and E. Trucco (Pittsburgh, 1960) are attempts at mathe-
matical analysis. G. Ritter, Staatskunst und Kriegshandwerk:
Das Problem des “Militarismus” in Deutschland
trans. Heinz Norden as The Sword and the Scepter: The
Problem of Militarism in Germany,
3 vols. (Miami, Fla.,
1969-). T. Ropp, War in the Modern World, 2d ed. (New
York, 1962), history since the Hundred Years War. U.


Schwarz, American Strategy: A New Perspective, the Growth
of Politico-Military Thinking in the United States
City, N.Y., 1966) is a favorable Swiss view of contemporary
American military intellectuals. A. Storr, Human Aggression
(New York, 1968) covers the ethological debate. A. J. Toyn-
bee, War and Western Civilization (New York, 1951). A.
Vagts, A History of Militarism: Civilian and Military (1937;
London, 1960) contains a mass of information. K. M. Waltz,
Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis (New York,
1959) is the most important single work. R. F. Weigley, ed.,
The American Military: Readings in the History of the
Military in American Society
(Reading, Mass., 1969). The
West Point Military Library
(Westport, Conn.) is a second
important reprint series in this field. Q. Wright, A Study
of War,
2 vols. (1942, abridged ed. Chicago, 1964).

Unless noted otherwise, translations are by the author
of the article.


[See also Nationalism; Peace; State.]