University of Virginia Library



Who is knocking for admission,
At the convent's outer gate?
Is it possible a lady
Can be wandering so late?
Let me see her through the lattice,
And her story let me hear.
Oh! your most obedient madam;
May I ask what brings you here?

You will very much applaud me,
When you hear what I have done;
I've been naughty,—I'm a penitent,
and want to be a nun.
I've been treated most unfairly,
Though 'tis said I am most fair;
I am rich, ma'am, and a duchess,
And my name's La Vallière.

Get along, you naughty woman,
You'll contaminate us all;
When you touch'd the gate, I wonder
That the convent did not fall!
Stop! I think you mention'd money,
That is—penitence, I mean.
Let her in—I'm too indulgent;
Pray how are the King and Queen?

Lady Abbess, you delight me;
Oh! had Louis been as kind!
But he used me ungenteelly,
To my fondness deaf and blind.


Oh! methinks that now I view him,
With his feathers in his hat!
Hem!—beg pardon—I'm aware, ma'am,
That I mustn't speak of that.

Not by no means, madam, never;
No—you mustn't even think;
Put your feet upon the fender
And here's something warm to drink.
Is it strong enough?—pray stir it.
What on earth could make you go
From a palace to a convent?
Come, I'm curious to know.

Can you wonder, Lady Abbess,
At the change I should rejoice;
I of vanities was weary,
And a convent was my choice.
I have had a troubled conscience,
And court manners did condemn,
Ever since I saw King Louis
Making eyes at Madame M.

Oh! I think I comprehend you;
But take care what you're about;
Though 'tis easy to get in here,
'Tan't so easy to get out.
You'll for beads resign your jewels,
And your robes for garments plain;
Ere you cut the world, remember—
'Tis not cut and come again.

I am willing in a cloister
That my days and nights should pass;
This is very nice indeed, ma'am,
If you please, another glass)


As for courtiers, I'll hereafter
Lay the odious topic by;
Oh! their crooked ways enough are
For to turn a nun awry.

Very proper. To the sisters
'Twould be wrong to chatter thus;
Now and then, when snug and cosey,
'Twill do very well for us.
It is strange how tittle-tattle
All about the convent spreads,
When the barber from the village
Comes to shave the sisters' heads.

Do you really mean to tell me
I must lose my raven locks?
Then I'll tie 'em up with ribbon,
And I'll keep 'em in my box.
Oh! how Louis used to praise 'em!
Hem! I think I'll go to bed.
Not another drop, I thank you,
It would get into my head.

Benedicte! my daughter,
You'll be soon used to the place;
Though at meals our only duchess,
You will have to say your grace.
And when none can interrupt us,
You of courtly scenes shall tell,
When I bring a drop of comfort
From my cellar to my cell!