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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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Heir mighty James the First, the best of Kings,
Imploys the merry Muse, and smyling sings.
Grave Balantyne, in verse divinely wyse,
Makis Vertew triumph owre fals fleechand Vyse.
And heir Dunbar does with unbound ingyne,
In satyre, joke, and in the serious schyne.
He to best poets skairslie zields in ocht;
In language he may fail, but not in thocht.
Blyth Kennedie, contesting for the bays,
Attackis his freind Dunbar in comick layis,
And seims the fittest hand (of ony then)
Against sae fell a fae to draw his pen.
Heir Lethington the Statisman courts the Nyne,
Draps politicks a quhyle, and turn divyne;
Sings the Creation, and fair Eden tint,
And promise made to man, man durst not hint.


To rouse couragious fyre behald the field,
Quhair Hardyknute, with lanss, bow, sword and scheild,
With his braif Sonis, dantit the King of Norss,
And cleithed the plain with mony a saules cors.
At Harlaw and Redsquire, the sonis may leir,
How thair forbeirs were unacquaint with feir.
Quhen frae the dumps ze wald zour mind discharge,
Then tak the air in smiling Semplis Berge:
Or heir him jyb the carlis did Grissy blame,
Quhen eild and spyte takis place of zouthheids Flame.
Licht skirtit lasses, and the girnand wyfe,
Fleming and Scot haif painted to the lyfe.
Scot, sweit tungd Scot, quha sings the Welcum hame
To Mary, our maist bony Soverane Dame;
How lyflie he and amorous Stuart sing!
Quhen lufe and bewtie bid them spred the wing.
To mend zour morals, with delyt attend,
Quhyle Henryson dois guidness recommend;
Quhyle Truth throw his transport Fablis schynes,
And all the mynd to quhat is just inclynes.
Amangst these starnis of ane immortal bleis,
Montgomery's quatorsimes sall evir pleis;
His eisy sangs, his Cherry and the Slae,
Sall be esteimd quhyle sichs saft lufe betray.
Lindsay the Lyon, hardly here is sene,
But in the third Apartment of the Grene,
He sall appeir as on the verdant Stage;
He towind the vyces of a corrupt aige.
Thair Warkis I've publisht, neat, correct, and fair,
Frae antique manuscriptis, with utmost cair.
Thus to their fame, a monument we raise,
Quhilk sall endure quhyle Tymis telld out be days.