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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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[Clark, first draft:]
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Page 288

[Clark, first draft:]

December 23rd.. Monday 1805.

rained without intermition all last night, and this day much
Thunder in the morning and evening with rain and some hail
to day, we are all employd about our huts have ours covered
and dobed & we move into it, 2 canoes of Indians came up
to day. I purchased 3 mats verry neetly made, 2 bags made
with Flags verry neetly made, those the Clotsops carry ther fish
in also a Panthor Skin and some Lickorish roots, for which
I gave a worn out file, 6 fish hooks & some Pounded fish
which to us was spoiled, but those people were fond of in the
evining those people left us I also gave a string of wompom
to a chief, and sent a small pice of Sinimon to a sick Indian in
the Town who had attached himself to me

Monday 23rd. December 1805

Rained without intermition all the last night and to day with
Thunder and Hail the fore and after part of this day. Capt.
Lewis and my self move into our hut to day unfinished. two
canoes with Indians of the Clâf sop nation came up to day. I
purchased 3 mats and bags all neetly made of flags and rushes,
those bags are nearly square of different sizes open on one
Side, I also purchased a panthor Skin 7 ½ feet long including
the tail, [for] all of which I gave 6 Small fish hooks, a Small
worn out file & Some pounded fish which we could not use as
it was So long wet that it was Soft and molded, the Indians
of this neighbourhood prize the pound'd fish verry highly, I
have not observed this method of Secureing fish on any other
part of the Columbian Waters then that about the Great falls.
I gave a 2d. Chief a String of wampom, and Sent a little pounded
fish to Cus-ca-lah who was Sick in the village & could not
come to see us.