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[Beyond the bounds of space and time]

Thus saith the high and lofty One, &c. —lvii. 15–17.

Beyond the bounds of space and time
On His eternal throne sublime,
Will God's most glorious majesty
Vouchsafe to cast a look on me?
Yes; if to me His grace impart
The humble, poor, and broken heart,
The holy, high, and lofty One
Shall make my heart His earthly throne.
But how shall I the promise plead?
The genuine poverty I need,
My want of true contrition own,
And deep beneath the burden groan;
With such a wretch insensible
If the great God can ever dwell,
Thou, Jesus, must remove my sin,
And break my heart by entering in.
Come then, my unbelief to end,
Nor always with a worm contend,
Thine anger with my sin remove,
And cheer me by Thy pardoning love:
If Thou despise my helpless case,
Thy creature faints for want of grace;
If Thou Thy dear-bought child forget,
I die despairing at Thy feet.