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Poems of Paul Hamilton Hayne

Complete edition with numerous illustrations

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O'er all the fragrant land this harvest day,
What bounteous sheaves are garnered, ear and blade!
Whether the heavens be golden-glad, or gray,—
And the swart laborers toil in sun or shade:—
Like some fair mother in time's morning beams,
When mortal beauty lured immortal eyes,
Here, Earth lies smiling in ethereal dreams,
While her deep-bosomed breathings fall and rise!
Through half-closed lids she views o'er lawn and lea,
Rich-fruited trees, vast piles of glimmering grain,—


And from the mountain boundaries to the sea,
Hears the low rumbling of the loaded wain.
A magical murmur born of ocean-deeps,
Blent with the pine-tree's lingering music thrills
Up the brown pastures to the trackless steeps,
And ancient caverns of the lonely hills.
Far-flashing insects flicker thro' the grass;
The humble-bee with burly bass drones by;
Afar the plover pipes; the curlews pass
In long lithe lines across the violet sky:
A mellowed radiance rings creation round;
Plenty and peace the auspicious season bless;
The full year pauses proudly, clothed and crowned
In consummation of high queenliness:
All nature seems to throb with rhythmic fires;
Dawns rise harmonious; splendid sunsets roll
Down to the chorus of invisible choirs—
Strange winds in tune with Earth's victorious soul!—
Thus, on the verge of winter's dreary rest,
Nature rejoices in rare pomps of power;
To breeze and sunbeam bares her prodigal breast,
And robes in purple her last shadowless hour.
Ah, when Life's autumn nears the eternal main,
May the heart's granary its rich depths unfold,—
Brimmed with immaculate sheaves of heavenly grain,
And flushed with fruitage of unfading gold!