University of Virginia Library

Sec. 2-226. Powers and duties.

In furtherance of the general purposes for which it is
established, the social development commission is hereby
authorized to:

(a) Promulgate regulations and procedures for the conduct of
its business, consistent with general law and with such directives
as city council may from time to time issue to the commission.

(b) Conduct public hearings on human service issues and
establish rules for the advertisement and conduct of such

(c) With approval of city council, establish task forces to
examine and make recommendations upon specific matters
related to human resources and human services being delivered or
proposed to be delivered by the city and other public or private

(d) Examine, discuss, amend or critique the reports of such
task forces, and reports or matters submitted to it by the
department of community development and other city
departments or agencies, and make recommendations of its own
on such matters, to city council; provided, that at such time as
such reports or recommendations are transmitted to city council,
the city manager may append to such reports or
recommendations such comments and recommendations as he
may deem necessary and proper. The city manager shall transmit
the report of the commission and any such comments and


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recommendations to council within five business days of receipt
of such report.

(e) Publish and distribute any such reports if the commission
finds such preparation and publication to be advisable.

(f) Develop, review and recommend for adoption or amend
from time to time the human resource components of the city's
comprehensive plan.

(g) Meet jointly with the city planning commission, by
agreement therewith or at the direction of the city council, to
discuss issues which are of mutual concern to both commissions,
to coordinate activities and to exchange information.

(h) Consider and report upon any other matter which city
council may from time to time refer to the commission.

The commission shall have no authority to charge the city with
any liability or to incur any expenses except as may be expressly
authorized by the city council and after funds have been
appropriated by the city council for the purpose. (3-11-74, § 1.)