University of Virginia Library


Samuel B. Cary was born in Gloucester County,
Virginia. His parents were Edward B. and Eliza A.
(Smith) Cary, the latter now in her ninety-first year.

After attending the
illustration private schools of his
native county, he went
to Poughkeepsie, New
York, and graduated in
a commercial course
from Eastman's
National Business
College. He then went
to Philadelphia, where
he engaged in the real
estate business with
Fred Sylvester of Sixth
and Walnut streets.
Two years afterwards
he became identified
with the Philadelphia,
Wilmington and Baltimore
Railroad Company,
accepting a position
in the office of the Master of Transportation.
This position he held until the Pennsylvania Railroad
acquired control of that company, when he was transferred
to the general offices of the latter road. He
remained with the Pennsylvania Railroad for two years,
or until January 1884, when he came to Roanoke, Virginia,
and entered the offices of the Norfolk & Western,
under Joseph W. Coxe, Auditor. After eight years of
service with the Norfolk & Western, he resigned owing
to ill health. Two months later he accepted the position
of Southern Sales Agent for the Pocahontas Coal Company.
When Castner & Curran succeeded to the business
of the Pocahontas Coal Company, he remained
with them, and was later identified with the firm of
Castner, Curran & Bullett in a like capacity. In 1904
he was made manager of the Roanoke office of Castner,
Curran & Bullett which position he still holds.

Mr. Cary married Mèland Clark Bagby, daughter of
A. C. and Mildred C. Bagby, of Corsicana, Texas.
Two children have been born to them, namely: Edward
Beverly Cary and Robert Scott Cary.

Mr. Cary was a vestrymen in St. John's Episcopal
Church for twenty years, and socially is a member of
the Shenandoah Club.