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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Pluck the stillgnawing thought from out thy heart,
Forget thyself a while, and turn thine eye
Unto the varied forms, that round thee lie,
Of pure and sinless happiness; each part
Whispers a holy calm, which doth impart
A sense of some deep Presence ever nigh,
Felt, like the wind, tho' viewless: nor would I
Exchange the eloquent silence, the dumb art
With which kind Nature woos me to her breast,
For all the finespun rules Philosophy
Weaves in her flimsy web: her everblest,
Eternal smile, reproving silently,
Contrasts our petty momentgriefs: her rest
Is a calm centralpeace diffusëd outwardly!