University of Virginia Library

Starlight through the Shadows.


Thy dear one is with jesus now!
Seeing Him face to face,
Gazing upon His own belovèd brow,
Watching His smile of grace;
Hearing the Master's voice in all its sweetness,
Knowing Him now in all His own completeness;


With Jesus now, with Him for ever!
Never to leave Him—grieve Him never!
Could God Himself give more? His will
Is best, though we are weeping still.


He knows!
Yes, Jesus knows! just what you cannot tell
He understands so well!
The silence of the heart is heard,
He does not need a single word,
He thinks of you;
He watcheth, and He careth too,
He pitieth, He loveth! All this flows
In one sweet word: ‘He knows!’


There shall be no more pain! Not any more!
All weariness, all faint exhaustion o'er,
No quivering nerve, no aching unconfessed,
No memory of misery to cast
One shadow from the past
Upon the unshadowed splendour of His rest!
Beloved! God is leading thee to this,
Preparing thee for thy preparing bliss.


When thou passest through the waters,
I will be with thee!
Sure and sweet and all-sufficient
Shall His Presence be.


All God's billows overwhelmed Him
In the great Atoning Day;
Now He only leads thee through them,
With thee all the way.