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[Jesus, the wonders of Thy name]

Is My hand shortened at all, that it cannot, &c. —l. 2.

Jesus, the wonders of Thy name
To-day as yesterday the same
We all are call'd to prove;
No end is of Thy mercies found,
We cannot stop Thine arm, or bound
The' omnipotence of love.
Thy hand we still unshorten'd see,
All power Divine belongs to Thee,
If sinners dare believe:
Thy power Thou wilt in us exert,
And certify the longing heart
Thou canst on earth forgive.
Thou canst destroy our pardon'd sin,
Produce out of a soul unclean
A saint entire and free,
From every spot and wrinkle pure,
And make our full salvation sure,
And hide our life with Thee.