University of Virginia Library


[First in the orient raign'd th' assyrian kings]

First in the orient raign'd th' assyrian kings,
To those the sacred persian prince succeeds,
Then he by whom the world sore-wounded bleeds,
Earths crowne to Greece with bloodie blade he brings;
Then Grece to Rome the Raines of state resignes:
Thus from the mightie Monarche of the Meeds
To the west world successiuelie proceeds
That great and fatall period of all things;
Whilst wearied now with broyles and long alarmes,
Earths maiestie her diademe layes downe
Before the feet of the vnconquered crowne,
And throws her selfe (great Monarch) in thy armes.
Here shall she staye, fates haue ordained so,
Nor has she where nor further for to goe.