University of Virginia Library


December 16 ALONE WITH GOD

I am not alone, but I and the Father.”—St. John viii. 16.

Alone with God—
The shadows fell away,
The masks and fig-leaves of this mortal dress
With all the rags of false self-righteousness
Beneath His rod.
My good deeds seemed but growth of mere decay,
And I had nothing left but nakedness
To cheat the death which it could not delay.
My soul failed fluttering,
Like some wounded thing,
Which lifts to Heaven its uttering
On a broken wing.
Alone with God—
The mountains were a mist,
Dissolving at His Presence and His Power;
The storm lay still and low; trembling, the tower
Appeared to nod,
Just by the lurid sunset caught and kiss'd.
Then from the silence, as it broke in flower
With sweet half-lights of rose and amethyst,
Soft as snow driven
By a summer wind—
A Voice, “Thou art forgiven
Who hast greatly sinned.”