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Henry Mauzè Darnall, Commissioner of Revenue of
Roanoke City, was born in Franklin County, Virginia,
September 13th, 1857, and is a son of Richard F. and
Susan Darnall, both of
illustration whom lived to a ripe
old age. Mr. Darnall
attended the schools of
his native county, and
when quite a youth
clerked in a country
store. He afterwards
became Superintendent
of a tobacco factory and
later traveled for a
wholesale shoe firm of
Lynchburg. In 1885 he
came to Roanoke and
has since resided in this
city. For many years
he was engaged in the
banking and insurance
business, and in October,
1893, he organized the
State Bankers Association and was tendered, by resolution,
a vote of thanks by that body at its initial meeting.
He was Secretary and Treasurer of the Roanoke
Land and Improvement Company, which was a large
factor in the upbuilding of this city. For eight years
he was Secretary and Treasurer of the Roanoke Gas &
Water Company, and these positions were tendered
without solicitation which shows the confidence reposed
in him. Mr. Darnall served a term as a member
of the City Council and as Chairman of the Finance
Committee of that body and was largely instrumental
in putting through a refunding plan, which placed the
city on a credit basis of four per cent. bonds. He was
also Chairman of the Committee for Revision of Laws,
and the author of our present Magisterial system,
which is not only unique, but most satisfactory. As a
member of the City School Board, he did much to bring
about the construction of the splendid new Grammar
School Building, now being constructed at a cost of
$100,000. In 1910 Mr. Darnall was appointed and
took charge of the office of Commissioner of Revenue
which he now holds and his administration of that
office has been marked by the same fidelity and the
same conscientious and fearless discharge of its duties,
that are characteristic of the man and won for him
splendid results. Mr. Darnall has for the past seven
years been the State Secretary of the Grand Lodge
Knights of Pythias, and is a member of other secret and
fraternal orders, among which might be mentioned
the Red Men and Odd Fellows. He was appointed
Colonel on the Staff of Brigadier General D. J. Turner
of the Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias, and is popular
with the members of that organization throughout
the state.

In 1881 Mr. Darnall was married to Miss Mary
Louise Hairston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hairston of Martinsville, Virginia, and as a result of
that union they have four children, two boys and two
girls as follows: Mary Saunders, Henry Hairston,
Thomas Mauze and Elizabeth Terry.

In politics Mr. Darnall is an ardent Democrat and
religiously he is a member of the Presbyterian Church.