University of Virginia Library


Scene, My Lady Dawbwell's House.
Enter Wheadle and Grace.
I wonder we have yet no tidings of our Knight,
Nor Palmer,—
Fortune still crosses the industrious, Girl.
When we recover him you must begin
To lye at a little opener ward;
'Tis dangerous keeping the Fool too long at bay,


Lest some old Wood-man drop in by chance,
And discover th'art but a rascall Deer.
I have counterfeited half a dozen Mortgages,
A dozen Bonds, and two Scriveners to vouch all;
That will satisfie him in thy Estate:
He has sent into the Country for his
But see, here he comes.
Enter Sir Nicholas.
Sir Nich'las, I must chide you, indeed I must;
You neglect your duty here: Nay, Madam, never
Blush; faith I'le reveal all. Y'are the happiest,
The luckiest man—
Enter Sir Frederick.
W'are betray'd; death, what makes him here?
[To Sir Frederick.
Sir Frederick, your humble Servant; y'are come
In the luckiest time for mirth; will you but lend
Me your eare? do not you see Sir Nich'las and Grace
Yonder? look, look.

Sir Fred.

I am perswading him to keep her; she's a pretty
Deserving Girl; faith let us draw off a while,
And laugh among our selves, for fear of spoiling
The poor Wenches market; let us, let us.

Sir Fred.
With all my heart.

Bayliffs meet Wheadle at the door, and Arrest him.
We arrest you, Sir.

Arrest me? Sir Frederick, Sir Nicholas.

Sir Fred.
We are not provided for a Rescue at present, Sir.


At whose Suit?

At Sir Frederick Frollick's.

Sir Frederick Frollick's? I owe him never a farthing.

Sir Fr.
Y'are mistaken, Sir; you owe me a thousand pounds:
Look you, do you know Mr Palmer's hand?
He has assign'd such a small debt over to me.

Enter Palmer and Jenny.
How was I bewitch'd to trust such a villain!
Oh Rogue, Dog, Coward, Palmer!

Oh thou unconscionable Wheadle; a thousand pounds
Was too small a bubble!

S. Fred.
Away with him, away with him.

Nay, Sir Frederick, 'tis punishment enough to fall
From my expectation:
Do not ruine a young man.

I beseech you, Sir.

S. Fred.
Thou hast mov'd me, Grace;
Do not tremble, Chuck; I love thy profession too well
To harm thee.
Look you, Sir, what think you of a rich Widow?
[Proffering him the Whore.
Was there no Lady to abuse, Wheadle, but my Mistress?
No man to bubble but your Friend and Patron, Sir Nich'las?
But let this pass; Sir Nich'las is satisfi'd; take Grace
Here, marry her, we are all satisfied:
She's a pretty deserving Girl, and a Fortune now
In earnest; I'le give her a thousand pounds.

Pray, Sir, do but consider—

S. Fred.
No consideration; dispatch, or
To Limbo.

Was there ever such a Dilemma? I shall rot in Prison.
Come hither, Grace; I did but make bold, like a young Heir,
With his Estate, before it come into his hands:
Little did I think, Grace, that this Pasty,
[Stroaking her belly.


When we first cut it up, should have been preserv'd
For my Wedding Feast.

S. Nich.
You are the happiest, the luckiest man, Mr Wheadle.

Much joy, Mr Wheadle, with your rich Widow.

Sir Frederick, shall that Rogue Palmer laugh
At me?

S. Fr.
No, no; Jenny, come hither; I'le make thee amends,
As well as thy Mistress, for the injury I did thee
Th'other night:
Here is a Husband for thee too:
Mr Palmer, where are you?

Alas, Sir Frederick, I am not able to
Maintain her.

S. Fred.
She shall maintain you, Sir.
Do not you understand the mystery of Stiponie,

I know how to make Democcuana, Sir.

S. Fred.
Thou art richly endow'd, i'faith: Here, here, Palmer;
No shall I, shall I; This or that, which
You deserve better.

This is but a short Reprieve; the Gallows will
Be my destiny.

S. Fred.
Sir Nich'las, now we must haste to a better
Solemnity; my Sister expects us.
Gentlemen, meet us at the Rose; I'le bestow a Wedding
Dinner upon you, and there release your Judgment,
Mr Wheadle.
Bayliffs, wait upon them thither.

S. Nich.
I wish you much joy with your fair Brides,

A pox on your Assignment, Palmer.

A pox on your rich Widow, Wheadle: Come, Spouse,
