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Scene I.

a Prison.
Enter Birtha.
A sweet Sensation melting round my Heart
Springs up and overflows my Soul with Joy,
Which conjugal Affection only feels;
A secret Glow and Throbbing to impart
The dear Assurance of our mutual Safety.
I'll steal upon his Sorrows like a Slumber
Pregnant with Bliss to sooth a Fever's Rage
Tumultuous charging thro' the languid Patient,
After long Tossings on the Bed of Sickness;
The balmy Comfort sinks into his Senses
And sweetly cools the Life-consuming Flame.
This Passport to my Love, this precious Signet
Throws out a Ray of Glory o'er the Gloom
Which Melancholy hangs around the Dungeon,
And lights me to his Presence. Hark, methought
I heard his Voice; be still, my Tongue, a Moment,


One Moment let me listen to his Moanings,
Then pour the Tidings of Delight at once
Into his Soul, and give Him all my Raptures.

[Retires aside.
Enter Gondibert.
Yes—tho' besieg'd with Guards, and fenc'd with Walls,
The Soul is left at Liberty to wing
Her free Excursions and disdains Confinement.
Confinement may be dreadful to the Wicked:
When Conscience whets her Stings and Darkness frowns
Brooding with supernumerary Horrors,
Woe to the guilty Spirit! Guilt may tremble
When self-condemn'd, and call on deeper Night
To cover from the Wrath of Heav'n offended
Its Coward, shrinking Head,—and call in vain.
But strong in Innocence why shou'd I fear?
True to my Honour, faithful to my Sov'reign,
Can I deserve his Rage? if not deserve it,
His Rage is impotent. The Gods protect
Their pious Votaries where're They find them,


In Prisons or in Palaces, the same
Unerring Arbitrators of our Fortunes,
Supremely good and merciful in Justice.
Tho' Malice send her Flight of Arrows at me
If Virtue spread her Adamantine Shield,
From Heav'ns bright Armory, of sevenfold Proof,
They pointless fall, and innocent of Harm,
Their idle Forces spent in empty Air,
Like spoils in Battle, but adorn my Conquest.
—But Birtha—Birtha—O the dear Forlorn One!
Her tender Sorrows, pressing on my Heart,
Unman my firmest Purpose—put to flight
The Succours which Philosophy wou'd lend me.
Were she but safe!—my Soul wou'd be at Peace.

[Birtha comes forward.
Behold Her here, and safe, and thine for ever.
The King forgives us Both—

Forgives us?


Our Happiness begins its golden Round,
And we shall never Taste of Anguish more.

Thy Words transport me with Delight and Wonder,
Too full of overbearing Joy to gain
Credit from any but from Thee.

The Royal Signet as the Seal of Pardon.

And is it given me once again to hear Thee,
To bless my Eyes with thy endearing Beauties
And strain Thee to my Breast?—O bounteous Heav'n!
O gracious Aribert! O happy Gondibert!
This Moment might reward an Age of Bondage.
O Birtha, O my Wife! my Joy, my Blessing,
Thou Object of my Soul! O take me thus,
Thus folded in thy Arms in circling Bliss,
And may we never, never part again.


Still let me clasp Thee to my glowing Heart,
Which beats against my Bosom to receive Thee.

My Heart expands Itself to let Thee in
And wrap thy Image in the Foldings there,
Deep in the warm Recesses of my Being!
There I will cherish my dear Lord for ever.

Enter Astragon.
Joy to you Both! A Father's Blessing on You.
—The Soldiers are appeas'd, The King forgives Them,
And sends me to declare his generous Will,
And call you to the Banquet, now preparing
In Honour of your Marriage.

Enter Messinger.
Hail to Birtha!
The Princess in regard to Birtha's Worth
Forgets all former Jealousies and Wrongs,
And sends her Joy and Peace. She waits to see You.


We humbly will attend the King and Princess
Much honour'd with her Grace.

[Exit Messinger.
This sudden Change—
I like it not, beware of Rhodolinda.
[To Birtha aside.
What of the Soldiers? for I think you nam'd Them.

Enter Ulfinore.
Eternal Happiness attend my Lord,
And crown his beauteous Bride and Him with Joy.

I know thy honest Nature.

Sir, We thank You.

The Soldiers, Sir,—but Ulfinore Himself
Will tell You at a more convenient Season,
And give the full Relation. We, mean time,
Prepare ourselves to wait upon the King,
And taste the Blessings which the Gods bestow.


To Them give all the Praise. My Birtha looks
So near ally'd to Heav'n, Her Voice and Hands
Will recommend our Incence and our Vows.
