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Idamè, Asseli.
Or death or infamy—no other choice—
O Royal Infant! O my dearest husband!
When in my hands I hold your destiny,
My voice without one doubt pronounces Death.

Ah! rather re-assume that pow'r, which Heav'n
Has given to virtuous beauty: re-assume
That pow'r, which makes this Scythian bend before you,
And own your influence. A word sometimes
Can soften anger, and disarm fierce rage.
Try; they can ev'ry thing, who know to please.

That I have pleas'd, is now my greatest grief.

Yet that alone can give the vanquish'd rest.
In our calamities the bounteous Heavens
Have ordain'd you to check the tyrant's rage.


You saw how soon his irritated soul
Lost all its fierceness, and was hush'd to peace;
Else long ago in Zamti he had destroy'd
A hated rival: Zamti brav'd his rage,
And yet he lives; he lives too unremov'd
From you his wife; they tender you in him.
This conqu'ror, though he has laid waste the world,
Still honours you; you may remember too
That he first wrought upon your virgin heart:
His passion formerly was pure and lawful.

Peace; say no more; 'tis baseness but to think on't.