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(From Mrs. Ward's Picture of a Girl with a wreath of Heartsease.)


Flower!—bright flower!—beautiful flower!—
Radiant gem of the summer hour!—
Favourite sweet of the graceful and young—
Honoured in painting, and loved in song!—
Joy of the garden—delight of the vale—
Woo'd by the sunlight—caressed by the gale—
Dim is the spot where thy smile is unknown;
Cold are the hearts thy enchantment disown.”



Heard is the lay which thy lips, maiden, breathe
To the favourite flower of thine elegant wreath!
Oh! long may the song of thy home be as gay;
And Heartsease for ever bloom sweet on thy way!
May no shade ever visit thine innocent brow;
No blight pale the roses—so beautiful now.
Still, still may thy form court as lightly the breeze—
And the flower of thy bosom be ever Heartsease!