University of Virginia Library



(TO THE REV. W. C. S.)

Thus, ever thus—since in its impious rage
Jerusalem stoned the prophets,—ever thus
Since Paul with wild beasts fought at Ephesus,
And brother Christians, in a later age,
Washed out their baptism in each other's blood—
Who casts unwonted light along the path
That leads earth heavenward, must endure the wrath
And persecution of night's eyeless brood:
Blind guides, who will not—because they perforce
Must grope in darkness—tolerate that he
Who knows the Truth, and in the Truth is free,
Should by its radiance only, steer his course.
“The heathen rage!”—Yet, courage, good my friend:
Christ's champion thou—and He will guide thee to the end.
October 3, 1866.