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Songs for the Wilderness

... Third Edition [by Horatius Bonar]

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Made a curse for us. —Gal. iii. 13.

Blessed be God, for ever blest!
And glorious be His name!
His Son He gave, our souls to save
From everlasting shame.
Nothing was precious in God's sight
But God's own precious blood;
Till that be shed, my guilty head
Must bear wrath's awful load!
Had I worn sackcloth, and in dust
Cast myself humbly down,
Cover'd my miserable head
With ashes for a crown;
These could not save me from the curse,
Nor end the endless pain,
Nor quench the fire, nor ease the heart,
Nor wipe away one stain!
The Eternal Life His life laid down—
Such was the wondrous plan—
And God, the blessed God, was made
A curse for cursed man.
Our flesh He took, our sins He bore,
Himself for us He gave.
His woes were ours, and we with Him
Were buried in one grave.


With Him we rose, with Him we live,
With Him we sit above;
With Him for ever we shall share
The Father's boundless love.
Bless, then, Jehovah's blessed name,
And bless our blessed King!
And songs of glad deliverance
For ever, ever sing!