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A wake! and let the high-raised choral song
In loud triumphal cadence float along,
Until its harmonies around us blend,
And to the heav'ns melodious strains ascend.
Praise in no vague, or low, uncertain tone,
His love who sits upon the sapphire throne,
But in uplifted voice His grace declare,
While swells our music on the vocal air.
The trumpet blow, and strike the tuneful lyre,
With spirit all aglow with sacred fire,
So shall our psalms and anthems sweet and clear,
In holy concert reach His well-pleas'd ear.
O God of light, in whom we live,
Look down from heav'n above,
As grateful praise to Thee we give,
And celebrate Thy love.


Fain would we catch the music sweet
Of golden harps on high,
Fain would we learn the measures meet
Of angels in the sky.
We cannot praise Thee as the quire
Of those who see Thy face,
As Seraphim with hearts of fire,
Yet would we sing Thy grace.
Let Hymn and Psalm and Anthem peal aloud,
And rise to God a fragrant incense cloud,
Low at His feet in rapture we adore,
In songs to be renewed for evermore.
His praise let cymbals clash with silver chime,
Wed to the organ's bass in measured time,
His praise with hallelujahs loudly sing,
Who through the ages reigns eternal King.
Sing, sing with us ye high angelic quire
Whose lips are touched with hallow'd altar fire,
Ye heav'ns and earth join in one sacred song,
And all creation the glad theme prolong.