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The Descent into Hell

Second Edition, Revised and Re-arranged, with an Analysis and Notes: To which are added, Uriel, a Fragment and Three Odes. By John A. Heraud

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Hosannas, hallelujahs manifold
To the Messiah! Let all Gods bow down
Before him. Lo! he cometh, all-extolled;
Hosanna, the Creator cometh! Crown
Him King,..him God! The King of kings,..the God
Of Gods—the knowing-all, the all-unknown—
The Warrior, and the Victor—whose abode
Is in the Heaven, whose sway is on the Sea,
Whose judgements are in Hell for ever showed—
His heel is bruised. Who bruised it, where is he?
Deeper into the Abyss of Darkness driven,
The Adversary flees from dread of Thee!


Hail, Realms of Darkness! for to you is given
Death, and the Power of Death! Hail, Darkness, hail!
Hail, central Darkness! utter and unriven,
Serried, compact, intense; beyond the pale
Of Life. The Lord of Life—the Lord of Light,
Even in thy deepest pit of saddest bale,
Is present aye, invisible in night,
In non-existence all impalpable,
Shining in darkness, breathing in despite.


But thou shalt see and feel, Abyss of Hell!
His coming whom we herald. Hast thou hied
Into thy Centre inaccessible?—
But not to him who made thee, deep and wide
Thy firm foundations cast, and, based on thee,
His Universe of Mercy edified.
Thou broodest o'er the Formless Void. But He
Calls Light into existence, from the womb
Of hidden being. Earth appears—and she,
The indefatigable Mother, from the gloom
Emerged irradiate, rolls amidst the Day,
A solitary Orb, till Night resume
Dominion. She revolves—alternate they.
Darkness retires, above, beneath, around,
(Its immaterial Centre,) far away—
Then forth reissues, from its chains unbound.