University of Virginia Library

'Twas on the plain Eleusis where they met,
Mother and child; and all tearful regret
Was wiped away between them, as they sang
And held each other, and the high world rang
With happy notes; for far and wide was heard
The song of nearing Spring: each wondering bird
Whistled, and gazed up sunward, and would cease,
And still essayed to sing his heart's increase.
Through sunlit field and orchard, like clear fire,
Gay blossoms brake upon each spray and spire,
And tipped the wizened boughs, which shone like lamps
Sacred to Summer when dark Winter's damps
Are stricken by the sungod's burning bow.
In emerald and white and ruby glow
They heralded abroad high festival,
And filled the land with incense; at their call
The furrows stood arrayed in ranks of green,
The fields grew bright with poppy, flax, and bean,
Hedgerows and trees with wild and trailing vine
Were gaily garlanded, and for a sign


The lizard sat upon a sunny stone
And watched the hours fall earthward one by one.