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How I loved her, words can never tell—
Words that are no measure of the love,
Deeper than the lowest depths of hell,
Higher than the greatest heights above;
Words are but the shadows, cold and dim,
Of the fearful joyous thoughts that lie,
Far as planets, and as mighty swim
On eternally, and may not die,
From one infinite, past human sight,
To another, in an endless day,—
How I loved, with more than earthly might,
Words can never say.
Ah, I loved her, but no tender sign
Dropt she of the faintest love in turn,
Not one little word nor look benign,
Though the hidden fires might beat and burn;
Yet she tost aside her scornful head,
Face on which in wondrous ebb and flow
Flushed the colour, like the morning spread
Soft on summit fair of virgin snow;
How I loved her, with what patience still
Bore in silence the consuming pain,
Heart of fire, to conquer that proud will,
Words will speak in vain.
Ah, I loved her, ministered as slave
Gladly to each idle whim, and bent
Every aim to her who nothing gave
Simply on her services intent;
Though she laughed at my devotion, proved
Daily by her, and still daily found
Faithful, and as she in beauty moved
Trampled what I offered on the ground;
How I loved her, how she flouted all,
Such allegiance tried as tested gold,
Yet expected me to come at call—
Words may not unfold.
Then misfortune seized me, and I fell
Low and lower in despair like night,
Tolling hourly, as the mourner's bell,
While my treasures one by one took flight;
Then she softened, smiled on me, and held
Forth the glowing clasp of kindly hands,
And the pity sweet in her that swelled,
Broke the iron of my prison bands;
How she loved, as only woman can,
Though the other friends went falsely by,
Think not may be breathed by mortal man—
Ask eternity.