University of Virginia Library


21 [Lines on Restoration Drama]

Yet this wild pomp, so much in vain pursued,
The courtly Davenant in our Thames renewed.
For who can trace through time's o'erclouded maze
The dawning stage of old Eliza's days?
What critic search its rise, or changes know,


With all the force of Holinshed or Stow?
Yet all may gain, from many a worthless page,
Some lights of Charles and his luxurious age.
Then, thanks to those who sent him forth to roam,
Or, equal weakness, brought the monarch home,
The taste of France, her manners and her style
(The fool's gay models), deluged all our isle.
Those courtly wits, which spoke the nation's voice,
In Paris learned their judgement and their choice.
Vain were the thoughts which nature's passions speak:
Thy woes, Monimia, impotent and weak!
Vain all the truth of just dramatic tales:
Naught pleased Augustus but what pleased Versailles!
His hand of power, outstretched with princely care,
From his low state upraised the instructive player;
And even in palaces, for never age
Was graced like Richelieu's, placed his regal stage.
To those proud halls, where Burgundy had vied


With all his Gallic peers in princely pride,
The Muse succeeded like some splendid heir
And placed her chiefs and favoured heroes there!
And could that theatre, believe you, trust
To those weak guides, the decent and the just?
Ah, no! Could aught delight that modish pit?
'Twas but the froth and foppery of wit.
True nature ceased; and in her place were seen
That pride of pantomime, the rich machine.
There, when some god, or spirit poised in air,
Surprised the scented beau or masking fair,
Think! with what thunder, in so just a cause,
The mob of coxcombs swelled their loud applause!
These witlings heeded nature less than they
That rule thy taste, the critics of today:
Yet all could talk how Betterton was dressed
And gave that queen their praise who curtsied best.
Thus Folly lasted long at Truth's expense,
Spite of just nature or reluctant sense.
Ask you what broke at last her idle reign?
Wit's easy villain could not laugh in vain.