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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 22.

[Thou, Lord, the good Physician art]

Mat. 9. 12. They that are whole, need not a Physician, but they that are sick.

[The First Part.]

Thou, Lord, the good Physician art,
Who knowest very well


All the diseases of our heart,
And also hast such skill,
That thou dost know what 'tis likewise
Will ease us of our pain;
Nay, perfectly so cure us,
We sick shan't be again.
And thou wast authorized too,
The Father licens'd thee;
And did appoint thee to this work,
Physician of Souls to be.
And thou approved hast been oft;
The works which thou didst do,
Did witness bear to thy great skill,
Authority also.
Thou know'st our constitution sins,
And from whence they proceed;
The cause of each disease within,
And how we may be freed
From the curst Plague, Contagion great,
That reigns in every part;
No member's free, nor faculty,
But rages most i'th'heart.
There, there the cursed venom lyes,
But thou canst fetch it out;
And make a perfect cure too,
Of this we have no doubt.


The second Part.

But it is true, no medicin's found
Which, Lord, can do us good,
So as to make us whole and sound,
But our Physician's Blood;
And therefore thou didst pour it forth;
Thy precious blood was shed,
That we might it apply by Faith,
And also be cured.
For all our hearts, Lord, naturally
So hard and stony are,
Till softned with thy blood, we see
They can't thy Image bear.
Nought will dissolve the Adamant
And flinty heart we know,
But precious blood which from thy wounds
Most plenteously did flow.
But such who never sick were made,
Or did their sickness see,
Are never like thy help to have,
Nor cure find of thee.
Thou first does make us see our sin,
And then when we do cry,
Thy Oyl and Wine thou dost put in,
Which heals us presently.
But some don't love to feel the pain,
But would slight healed be,


And have their sores but skinned o're,
Such Souls are left by thee.
For each dead Member off must go,
Right-eyes be pulled out;
Or else the soul and body too
Shall go to Hell no doubt.

The Third Part.

Thou all Physicians dost excell,
They can't all Persons cure;
But there is none but thou canst heal,
Yea, heal O Lord for ever.
They do it likewise for their gain,
But thou dost all in love;
And poor wast made for us, O Lord,
Who rich was once above.
To make us sound and whole at heart,
And heal our souls for ever,
Thou didst with all thy riches part,
And grievous pains endure.
The dead to life they cannot raise,
But this, Lord, thou dost do;
And hadst not thou, Lord, qaickned us,
We had been lost we know.
They cannot bless Physick they give,
Neither know the success;
But all that Means which does us good,
Lord, thou to us dost bless.


The fourth Part.

Other Physicians Men send to,
We did not send for thee;
But freely didst thou come to us,
That we might healed be.
O let us then love thee, O Lord,
And let poor Sinners cry,
And come to thee, thou wilt them heal,
And cure presently.
But let them not the time delay,
Neither false Med'cines use,
Which may perhaps through a mistake
Seem to afford some ease.
And since, Lord, thou hast heal'd our souls,
And cured hast each sore,
Let's sing thy praise, with all in us
Praise thee for evermore.