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The London-Spy Compleat In Eighteen Parts

By the Author of the Trip to Jamaica [i.e. Edward Ward]

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[Great were thy Wrongs, thy Patience still as great]
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[Great were thy Wrongs, thy Patience still as great]

Great were thy Wrongs, thy Patience still as great;
When Faction Rul'd the Church, and Knaves the State;
Hard were thy Peoples Hearts, but harder yet thy Fate.
Balm thou applyd'st whilst they still vext thee sore,
The more their Crimes thy Mercies grew the more;
Thy God like Mind was Rich, altho' thy Treasure Poor.


The Laws they smother'd in Rebellious Night,
And trod dark Paths, whilst thou pursu'dst the Light,
As they encreas'd their Shame, thy Glories shone more bright.
Hadst thou in Rage thy Victories pursu'd,
And took delight in shedding Rebels Blood,
Thou'dst been secure, but wer't, alas, too Mild and Good.
Contempt of all thy Favours they return'd;
Yawn'd at thy Power, and at thy Person spurn'd;
Merry o'er others Spoils, whilst all true Subjects Mourn'd.
The Canting Pulpiteers by Dreams made wise,
Turn'd Gospel Truths into Audacious Lies;
And taught the Blood of Kings a Holy Sacrifice.
Unlearn'd Mechanicks full of nought but Noise,
Were turn'd, thro' Grace, Expounders of the Laws,
And justify'd Rebellion to be Heavens Cause.
When Right, thro' want of due Assistance fail'd,
And Wrong thro' mislead Multitudes prevail'd,
The Trait'rous Torrent grew too strong to be Repell'd.
Thus the Mad Crowd who could no Ills Foresee,
Of all Restraint endeavouring to be Free,
Took off thy Head, because themselves would Headless be.