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... with several others, not more Considerable. The second edition. By R. Dodsley

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Song XI. The Reconciling Kiss.

Why that sadness on thy brow?
Why that starting crystal tear?
Dearest Polly, let me know,
For thy grief I cannot bear.
Polly with a sigh reply'd,
What need I the cause impart?
Did you not this moment chide?
And you know it breaks my heart.
Colin, melting as she spoke,
Caught the fair one in his arms;
O my dear! that tender look,
Every passion quite disarms:
By this dear relenting kiss,
I'd no anger in my thought;
Come, my love, by this, and this,
Let our quarrel be forgot.
As when sudden stormy rain,
Every drooping flowret spoils;
When the sun shines out again,
All the face of nature smiles:
Polly, so reviv'd and cheer'd
By her Colin's kind embrace,
Her declining head up-rear'd,
Sweetly smiling in his face.